Chapter 4

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Darien began putting the bags in the trunk of his car. Callie and Loren then came downstairs and out to the car. You guys said bye to your mother? Darien asked getting in the driver's seat. Who? Callie asked. Yeah...who's mom? Loren asked rolling her eyes. Darien sighed and drove off.

About 3 hours later,they pulled into a driveway to a big house. Callie was fast asleep while Loren was listening to music. Darien shook Callie lightly and she woke up. Where are we? She mumbled. Home! Darien said getting out the car. Callie and Loren got out the car and looked at the big house. C'mon. I'll give you a tour! Darien said smiling. Callie and Loren looked at each other and walked behind Darien.

So...when you walk in as you can see you have the hallway. You can hang your coats up. Whatever. Rest your keys down! And then you walk down
and as you can see the stairs and stuff. We can go through this doorway right here and here is the family room. We go further and then we have the kitchen. We have dinners every night. You know whether it's takeout or home food. Let's go upstairs now. So we have the bathroom and then we have my room. Now these were my guest rooms but you guys can have the rooms! Darien said. Are you serious? No sharing rooms? Loren asked. No. You guys had to share a room back home? Darien asked. Yeah. But it was cool. We had good times in there. Callie said looking at Loren. Loren chuckled. Well now you guys have your own space. Darien said. Thanks dad. Loren said smiling and walking back downstairs.

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