Chapter 1

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Am I speaking to the parent of Callie Jacobs and Loren Jacobs? The police officer asked over the phone. Yes. This is she! Their mom,Chloe stated. Yes...your daughters were involved in a street fight with several other girls and they were all arrested. The officer said. Oh my goodness. Chloe said. If you can come and pick them up from the police station as we cannot legally arrest them as they are not of age. The police officer said. I'm on my way. Chloe said hanging up the phone.

When Chloe got to the police station,Loren and Callie were sitting in the officer's office. Hello...I'm the mother of Loren and Callie. Chloe said. Oh okay. Just sign right here. They have all their belongings. The officer said. Thank you. Chloe said as she signed the book to free Callie and Loren.

They all walked out to the car and got in. What the heck is wrong with you guys! Chloe asked angrily. Loren and Callie both ignored her. How did it happen? Chloe asked. Well,we were arguing because she was talking about me and that doesn't sit right with me and she got in my face so Callie jumped in and we started fighting. Loren said with a attitude. I can't do it anymore! Chloe said. Do what? Nothing happened! We just got arrested. Callie said with a attitude. You're disrespectful,you don't go to school,you drink. I'm sending y'all to your father! Chloe said. What! No! You're gonna send us with him. He hasn't even been in our life! Loren said angrily. I need a break! Chloe said. Callie! Loren said angrily. No..there's nothing to say! She wants to send us away! Let her...I don't need her! Callie said continuing to look out the window.

The Cheif's DaughtersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin