My body feels drained, my bare legs and feet are freezing by the temperature of the vacant building, that I'm pretty sure my skin is turning a purple blue color. I lift each foot off the cemented floor every once and a while to somehow get rid of the coldness on the soles of my feet, but it's still no use. If I am not going to die of murder then I am going to die of frostbite.

"Hey!" A male voice speaks as I feel a hand slap against my cheek, not hard but just enough to make my drooping eyes open again. "Wake up, I am not done with you yet."

I furrow my brows and let out a groan as I lift my head up before tiredly opening my eyes, trying to focus on the person in front of me. Through my frizzy, sweaty and curly hair, I see Nathan standing tall in front of me.

"You know, you really aren't putting much of a fight." He smirks, shifting on his feet, his eyes reflecting off the light illuminating the room. "I could easily have my way with you and you wouldn't even try to stop me."

"Why would I?" I scowl before closing my eyes briefly once more. "You already have before."

"True." He nods. "But my mate Isaac, hasn't."

Fucking pig.

"But, you are lucky cause I am not one to share." He says taking a step towards me and I feel my heart quicken a little.

"You know..." I say licking my dry lips, but wince as the cut on my bottom stings at my saliva. I can still taste a bit of blood and I'm pretty sure other places on my body do not lack bruises, cuts and scraps.

"Harry is going to kick your ass when he finds us." I say, a slow smile tugging on my lips.

"Oh, really?" He says lifting his head up a little

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"Oh, really?" He says lifting his head up a little.

My heart breaks as I take in his leather jacket and full black attire, making me think of Harry. I honestly can't believe they are brothers, Harry is nothing like Nathan.

"Speaking of my little brother..." Nathan trails and I let out a gasp when he reaches his hand out and roughly grips at my jaw, his fingers denting into my cheeks.

"How could you?" He question, his voice thick and hard. "How could you choose my brother of all people? What does he have that I don't?"

"A heart." I bravely reply, but my voice comes out hoarse and broken, as I look up into his eyes.

"Everyone prefers him." He says narrowing his eyes at me. "Oh Harry is such an amazing driver, Harry is such a talent with guns."

"Harry this...Harry that." Nathan mocks, tilting his head one side then the other. "My own father prefers him than me. I'm the oldest, I'm the one that suppose to get the praise. Not him!"

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now