Chapter Seven: The Weekend

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Friday night Troy had come home to his father on the couch with a bottle in hand while watching TV and his mother on the phone talking to some client he didn't know. Neither said hello or looked his way after he walked passed them and so he went straight to his room.

After shutting the door behind him, he let out a sigh of relief. Half of him wished his parents would stop what they were doing to register his existence, the other half was glad they left him alone. But hey, at least he didn't come home to them yelling and screaming at each other. It seemed to have become this unspoken agreement between his parents that as long as they ignored the other, they wouldn't have problems.

He snorted at the thought before walking farther into his room and setting the Bible he had received from Mike on his desk. He flopped down onto his bed before falling swiftly asleep with thoughts about the day he had.

He woke up the next morning, amazed that his parents hadn't screamed at the top of their lungs and woken him up for the first time in a while. Or maybe he was so exhausted from the night before that he slept through it? Either way, he had woken up late again. Glancing at his clock confirmed it, as it said it was past noon now.

After a long sigh, he sat up and glanced out of his window, seeing that both vehicles were gone and that the day was going to be a bright one. "Another boring Saturday..."

The rest of the day went by in a familiar blur. He got up and searched the kitchen for anything that looked edible, dodging some boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet, watched TV most of the day and when it was close to the time his parents normally got home, he made it back up to his room. He had thought about exploring the neighborhood, but decided that he wanted to just be lazy for the day.  

He almost laughed at the thought that they had moved across the country and he still had the same schedule.

Expect right now he didn't have school, but he had a feeling he would be going to church a lot more.

He glanced at his new bible sitting on his desk and after a few moments of hesitation he picked it up and lied on his bed, opening it to the first book.

"Genesis..." When was the last time he had heard or read anything from Genesis? When he attended Children's Church? He had definitely never read any of it on his own time.

He paused in the middle of the first chapter, raising a brow at himself. "Now that I think about it, I've never read any of the bible on my own time..."

Troy wasn't sure why, but the thought made him wonder why he suddenly decided to start now. He shifted his gaze from the book in his hand to the ceiling of his room, stuck on the thought. He closed his eyes, faces flickering through his head. "Yup."

He opened his eyes and revisited the words of the first chapter of Genesis. "I'll be blaming this on those weirdos." A smile flashed on his face as he read through the first chapter again. As he re-read it, he wondered if this could have really been how the world came to be. As crazy as it sounded, he found it almost more believable than the Big Bang Theory or Evolution.

Just what exactly was God? Many names and labels flashed through his thoughts, but somehow he had a strange feeling that there was way more to it than that.


Troy wasn't sure when, but he had fallen asleep at some point in his thoughts and when he heard his Mom calling him from downstairs, he shot out of bed, almost tripping on his clothes that were sprawled out on his floor in his effort to look at the clock, bible falling from the bed and onto the floor with a thunk.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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