Chapter Five: Entertainment

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Troy glanced around and found that mostly everyone had gone, or was on their way, outside. The boys were gathering and yelling about playing Man Hunt and Mike took most of them away to do just that. Everyone else, being him, Brooke, Haru, Arron, Mark, and Sophie stayed out of it.

They all gathered at a picnic table. Troy sat next to Haru, with Sophie on the other side of her. Brooke sat across from him next to Arron with Mark on her other side. Troy noticed briefly that Arron and Mark were holding hands as they talked to one another without really including or excluding the rest of them, and couldn't help but wonder if they were dating.

As if she had read his thoughts, Brooke motioned to the two with her head, smirking slightly while jabbing Arron in the side with her elbow, who was ignoring her. "Those two have been courting for two months now."

Troy gave a look. "Courting?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "They're dating."

He turned back to Brooke. "Why didn't you just say that?"

She shrugged. "I find that the word 'Courting' fits them better."

He still didn't get it. What was the difference? But whatever, he already came to terms with the fact that Brooke was weird.

He glanced down at Haru, who looked a bit tired, almost sleepy. "You okay?"

She blinked up at him, snapping out of whatever trance she may have been in and smiled. "Yeah, just sleepy."

Sophie gave a face. "You finished the mural, so you got some sleep last night, right?"

She nodded and turned to her, laughing nervously. "Yes, but I think it's going to take more than one night's sleep to get me back on my regular schedule. Haha."

Sophie nodded and then pulled out her iPod, starting to type away and showing things to Haru as they laughed. Troy found his gaze going around the table. Starting with the two girls giggling over who knows what, then going to the obvious couple who weren't exactly being lovey-dovey, but out of the loop all the same, until he finally met Brooke's gaze.

She was munching on a brownie and he blinked at the sight. He mentally checked on his way out of the building and saw that there wasn't any left. Where had she gotten it? Not to mention he didn't see her get up to leave and get one. "Where'd you get that?"

She smiled and it slowly turned into a grin as she swallowed the last bite. "I have my ways."

Arron turned her head slightly to meet his eyes and cupped her hand around the left side of her face as she spoke, as if doing so would keep Brooke from hearing. "She sneaks extras in her bag."

The short girl gave a fake gasp. "Whatever gave you that idea?!"

Arron smirked as she turned to her short friend. "Maybe the crumpled up napkin poking out of your bag pocket?"

Brooke waved her hand, clearly just going along with the gag. "That's just a tissue."

The taller one laughed. "Did your boogers turn brown then? Because I'm pretty sure those are crumbs."

Brooke was trying very hard not to laugh by now. "I d-don't know what you're talking about."

Mark looked over at Troy. "What are they talking about..?"

Troy met his gaze with one of confusion. "Your guess is as good as mine dude..." He realized that he didn't feel the same frustration as he did before with Mark, he wasn't sure why, but he was relieved, he seemed like a cool guy.

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