Entry 7

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This whole chapter is a flashback of when she was a senior in high school. ALSO my study hall teacher came to check on what we were doing and she read this. She READ it. She thought it was an actual story and didn't know it was fan fiction. THANK THE LORDS! Anyway, enjoy. She's writing what she did that day..!

WARNING: this chapter has some swearing in it. You can skip this but it explains a lot. Sorry for the swearing but Its necessary.


Dear Diary,

"So that's due tomorrow." Mrs. Cackling read straight from the board.

I drowned her out right away, because this was the worst class yet of my whole day, and it was the last hour. I wanted to get out of this school right now, so I don't have to face Katrina, just like any other day.

The bell rang; and I packed up my stuff really quickly and ran out of my desk.

"Ms. Roberts may I please speak with you?" Mrs. Cackling asked as nicely as she could.

"Yeah." I said; unsure if I choose the right decision. I walked over to her desk in the back of the room where she was sitting, and put a big fake smile on my face.

"Please sit," She asked, as I sat down on the chair in front of her desk and stared at her until she started speaking. "As you know; the whole senior class is going to a retreat for a week next month; and you still haven't turned your paper in to go. Why is that?" Her smile was now replaced with a frown.

"Um-um, I lost it?" Truth is, I really didn't want to go. I knew that Katrina would ruin my trip and make sure that I wouldn't enjoy it one bit.

"I see it sticking out of your binder right now, now tell me the real reason." She stared at me as I tried to explain this to her without telling the truth or slipping it out.

"I just don't, okay?" Then with that; I walked out of her classroom and out of the school. I didn't even stop by my locker; or go to the bathroom as I really needed to go. I just ran, and ran till I reached home.

But before I came inside my home with my mum inside; I went to the little pond behind our house and sat on a rock.

I listened to the water flowing inside the river before pulling out my journal making a new entry showing the clear black ink.

Dear Diary,

Wonder what would happen if I was gone? Nothing. Because no one cares about me and no one would care. Maybe I should just go. Leave. No one would give a shit. - Emily Amelia

Turning back to reality, I put my journal back in my bag and walked back into my giant- almost mansion, house. I quickly slipped in from the basement patio doors and went into my room.

The whole basement was mine- I had everything I needed there. A small living room- a movie theater that only I could use, a bathroom, a giant bedroom, and a huge walk in closet. No a walk in- a house closet. It was giant.

My mom remarried and was now super rich and lived in this house. He had a daughter but we never really talked or got along because I'm in my room all day. I mostly look on Tumblr and I fan girl about emo bands.

Sorry not sorry.

I decided to take a shower to get My mind off things; I really needed to take a breather and relax for a bit.

I went into my giant bathroom and started the hot water. I put my phone in my built in speakers in the walls and I started listening to Cher Lloyd. She's probably my favorite girl singer.

After my shower; I decide to go upstairs and grab my iPad, I left it up there. As I make my way up the stairs leading out of the basement; I hear yelling probably from my mom and step dad.

I leaned my ear against the door and I could hear almost every word clearly.

"I told you to stop it!" My step dad, Roger yelled.

"I can't; I'm so sorry. I understand if you want a divorce." My mom said as calmly and sadly as she can; but I could see the tears streaming down her face in my mind.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Yes, I want one! You went back to your old ways that you promised never again. Get the hell out of here and bring your ignorant daughter with you!" Roger yelled, and I heard my moms sobs through is loud booming voice.

"Please; can we pretend to be happy until she graduates, please." My mom choked out through her sobs calmly.

"Whatever." Roger said angrily and I heard footsteps walking away.

I all of a sudden I didn't want my iPad anymore, and I went back downstairs and tried to not cry; but I failed.

My mom was back on drugs again? I can't believe all that treatment was for nothing. Was she pretending to be happy with Roger so I would have a home? She didn't know I heard any of that, so I would have to keep my mouth shut.

Roger was like a second dad to me; but I truly wasn't a big fan of him he was okay, but he was never there for me when I needed a father.

But the good thing was; that he didn't abuse me like my biological father did. But my mom used him? He didn't deserve that, because he was a really good guy.

I decided that I really wanted my iPad, so I started making my way upstairs; and I opened the door softly, to reveal a quiet living room and a quiet house.

I put on a small smile; and started walking toward the computer room where I left my iPad. I opened the door; not being aware the Roger was on his computer doing his work.

He heard me and turned around and smiled. "Hello, sweetheart." He said, as sweetly as can be.

I nodded and grabbed my iPad from the couch. Before I closed the door on my way out I said something that made Rodgers jaw drop.

"Don't sweetheart me, I'm just your broken little ignorant daughter, aren't I." And then I walked out; returning to my bed and listened to music while falling asleep.

~The next day: AFTER school~

I had just finished another day at school; and I ran into Katrina once. I surprisingly only got a little slap on my cheek, but other then that my day was pretty good.

I started skipping home with a big smile on my face when I could finally open my patio doers to my wonderful air-conditioned bedroom.

When I opened my doors my smile immediately dropped. My stuff was gone. My bed, my desk, everything, the room was completely empty.

Did he really kick my mom out? This can't be happening.


Emily Amelia Roberts


SO she wrote that ^^^ you get it? ha ha anyways yes that is exactly what happened. He ended up taking her back but they broke back up shortly after due to her drug addiction.

I want food.

K bye (;

~Grace (:

omfg i just realized this sucked haha

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