Finally Home

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Sorry this one took forever to write, I was grounded for a while then had writers block. I do apologize sincerely but thanks for sticking around:) Enjoy:D


It had taken longer than I remembered it taking to get there but it was worth it. We had turned the corner and onto the street that I lived.

"Oh my god! We're here!" Dakota started looking all around taking in my neighborhood. He seemed to like it here.

"That one right there." I pointed to the light brown house on the left. Atreiyu nodded and pulled into my driveway.

"Alright grab your stuff and lets go in." I went around the car and opened the trunk to see what had been packed. There were two bags and I assumed they were his.

"Scarlett!" I looked up and saw my mom with the biggest smile on her face that I've seen in a while. She walked towards me with open arms and I met her the rest of the way.

"Mom! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, baby." We released from our hug and I turned around to go help with one of the two bags.

Dakota had one of the bags and Atreiyu wouldn't let me have the other, stubborn men. We decided to put the stuff inside before I did an introduction.

"Mom, this is Dakota. Dakota this is my mom."

"It's nice to meet you Dakota."

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs..."

"Oh please call me Ashlyn." They finished shaking hands and Atreiyu took over by starting a conversation up with my mom. While that was happening me and Dakota went up to my room to put our stuff somewhere.

"Your mom is really nice. I think she likes me too." He seemed really excited by this.

"She does. I could tell by the look in her eyes." He smiled and continued to unpack. I looked in the bags and saw that most of the clothes were actually mine. "You know that I'm the one that lives here, right?"

"Yeah but I don't have a lot of clothes so I just packed what I needed." I counted his clothes. He had packed three shirts, three pairs of pants, and the domo hat.

"You sure this will be enough for you? We will be here for like 2 weeks." He shook his head in agreement and I shrugged my shoulders. "So... What you wanna do now?"

"I don't know. Is there anything fun to do in this town?"

"Not really, wanna go walk around? We can come with ideas of things we can do on this vacation." He nodded in agreement and we went on our way.


I decided that the first place we should walk is through town. We could decide on places to shop or eat as we went. It took us a while to get there but the look on Dakota's face made it all worth while. It almost seemed like he had never been in a town before. Like a brand new experience for him, it made me smile.

"Anything stick out at you Dakota?"

"Yeah! I say the first place we go is some place to eat tomorrow. After we eat non cafeteria food we should go to Hot Topic. I need some new gauges."

The smile on my face got bigger. "Alright, we'll do that tomorrow. After that we'll go to my favorite spot to to relax and kick back."

"Oh? And where is that?" His seemed curious and excited at the same time.

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