Vacation Planning

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The school board decided that they would allow the kids to have the option of going back to their families for a couple weeks. I thought it was a simple question but then again...

"Hey Scarlett!" I turned to see that Annabelle had called me. "Come here, I want to introduce you to someone."

I walked over there thinking that this couldn't be good. Usually when people wanted to show me something it was someone that wanted to hook up with me that wasn't me type at all.

"This is Chad. He just got here."

"Hi! I'm Scarlett." I looked up and saw that he wasn't bad. He had normal short hair that was jet black but had a deep red tint to it. He was more of a bad boy then he was a scene kid.

"Chad. Pleasure to meet you." He stuck out his hand and I questionably accepted it. He seemed a little suspicious.

"So where do you come from?"

"California. You?"


Annabelle interrupted, "I'll leave you two alone so you can chat." She walked away and I watched her to make sure she didn't go and hide.

As I turned back I replied to his question. "... From Minnesota. Do you know where this dumb school is?"

"Not sure," He replied, "Somewhere closer to the Atlantic than California." Just then Dakota popped up and made me jump. He noticed my reaction and came over to give an apologetic hug. Instead of letting me hug him he came behind me and held on.

"Who's your friend?"

"His name is Chad, he's from California, and he just got here."

"Awesome. Always wanted to go there."

"It gets pretty warm there," Chad piped in, "But it feels nice."

"Know where your room is?" I asked Chad.

"Sorta. I'm a little confused with all these hallways."

"Room number?"


"Your right next to me. We'll show you where it is." As we walked we learned a few more things about him, like he is filthy rich, his mom was killed by a bear and he had played sports before he came so he didn't need exercise.

Dakota and I left Chad and went to his room to hang out.

"So, I'm going to visit my mom for a little while next week and was wondering," I had a small pause for dramatic effect and he was dying to hear it. "Do you want to come with?"

"Hell yeah! I'd love to." We hugged and laid down just so we could take in everything. There a weird silence for a bit but Dakota broke it. "So, Scarlett I was wondering, do you want to go out? Like be my girlfriend."

I starred into his soft brown eyes. "Yes, I would love to be." He leaned over and kissed me. I returned it and we kissed for a while. It felt amazing and I didn't want to leave but the bell said otherwise.

"See you later, Scar."

"See ya, Dakota." When I left the room I felt as if I were floating. That was probably the best thing that has happened in a while.


I decided to skip lunch because I wasn't feeling very hungry. As I was starring off into space Dakota sat across from me and watched me. He then turned around to see what I was starring at. I then shook my head a little so I could come back into reality.

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