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I woke up not long after my dream had finished. Feeling awake and refreshed I stretched with my hands over my head. After that nice long stretch I grabbed some clothes to wear then headed in the bathroom to shower. I brought in my speakers and plugged in my Ipod. The first song to come on was "Louder Than Words (Bare Remix)". It felt nice having the water cascade over me. I felt really gross after waking up. 

After a long 45 minute shower and feeling a lot cleaner, I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. I went straight to my phone then unlocked it and nearly dropped it.

"Mom!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Not even a second later there was a bang in the kitchen then my door opened, "How'd you... Oh never mind. Have I really been asleep for 3 fucking days?" But she did what I didn't expect, she smiled, teared up, and hugged me.

"I'm so glad," she pulled back, "It has finally happened." Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the couch.

"Mom, what the hell?"

"Sit." Without hesitation I sat. I wanted to know everything. She then went upstairs and back before I could process that she was gone. In her left hand was a small box.

"Alright mom," I folded my arms across my chest, "I want answers. What's been going on?"

"And you'll get them sweetie." She then placed the box in my lap and sat up, "What would you like to know?"

"Well I guess, basically, what are we?" I looked down at the box both in wonder and disappointment. Why didn't you tell me, I thought.

"Oh honey, I wanted to tell you, so badly but I couldn't. It would have put you at too great of a risk." Oh great, she can read minds, "Of course I can, we all can Scarlett. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it back up.

"Now to answer your first question. I'm assuming Atreiyu told you what we are."

I nodded, "Yeah, in my dream he said that we were like werewolves but we had some dragons blood in us."

"Yes, that's right. The thing is that you and I aren't normal.  We are some of the last purebreds so our powers are the strongest. Because of this we are considered royalty." My jaw dropped.

"Like princess and queen?"

"Though our bloodline had a higher honor than all the others, yes, like princesses and such."

"How so?"

"Well your grandmother fought and ended the Great Demonwolf War. She brought down the bear leader." This is unbelievable. I'm princess of a race that I didn't even know existed.

"So do we have to stay in the purebred bloodlines?"

She sighed, "Um, no, but the council will look down at us. All I have to say is that I don't care. As long as you love them then I don't care." I smiled and hugged her. I loved how nonchalant she is about things.

Then it hit me, "Oh mom, Atreiyu told me that I had to meet him in the park to go to school. What do you know about that?" She smiled again.

"Well, when I was your age, the same thing happened to me. Though I knew what was going on because this was before the Great War started. If this war hadn't put our family at high risk then I would have told you sooner. I felt bad keeping it from you all these years but it was for protection.

Anyways, I had the same dream you did, running around with the wolves and stuff..." I cut her off.

"That didn't happen in my dream." She tilted her head to the side, "Well apparently mine was corrupted. I mean I got to meet and see the wolves but then a bear showed up and fought with them all." Her eyes widen then she got up and paced.

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