His Secret

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I woke up and saw that Dakota wasn't there. I looked around and saw him dressed and doing his hair in the bathroom. He must really like his hair.

"Morning sleepyhead!" He couldn't even see me and yet he knew I was awake.

"Morning. What time is it?"

"11:37. We were up a while."

"Thanks again for saving me."

"Don't mention it." He turned off the straightner and walked out.

"What are you going to do when your roommate comes back?"

"Not a clue. Got any ideas?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Well we could go to my dorm and let me get dressed and pretty."

"Well your already beautiful. So half of it's done." He smiled and I returned it. I got out of bed and walked to the door when I remembered what I was wearing. I looked down and saw that I only put on under wear and a sports bra.

"Can I use some clothes?"

He laughed, "Didn't know you wore that to bed. Didn't even know that was all you had on. But yes you can." I dove back under the covers and felt really weird. "Here, I'll turn and you can go get ready in the bathroom."

"Thanks." He did what he said and I dashed. I closed the door and put them on as quick as possible. They fit pretty well but the pants fit fine, just a little long.

I walked out and he started clapping. "Even in my clothes you look good." I posed and we started laughing.

"Where to?"

"Principal then I show you where to send letters."

"Awesome." I followed him to the principal's office. It was huge and had bay windows. We complained to him about what Dakota's roommate did. The principal said he would talk to him and fix my bathroom door.

"Now one more stop." Dakota said. The postal office was right down the hall. I didn't bring my letter so I couldn't do it at the moment.

We went to the tree and sat. This will become our number one spot to talk.

"I still can't believe you turned wolf. That was incredible."

"It felt weird though. I can't quite explain it. I was a warm but it hurt all at the same time."

"That is weird. But you looked really cool."

"What did I look like?"

"You had a lighter brown fur with light blue markings all over."

"Sweet. Wonder if I get to use the other treadmill now."

"That would be fun. I wonder what I look like."

"You would look amazing." The bell rang and we had to get down to go to class.

"See ya Scarlett."

"Bye!" I walked in and hell came back again. The halls were packed again and I still couldn't get around well. I got to my room and sat on my bed. Capri must have just gotten to bed or something cause she looked beat. I grabbed my stuff and went straight out the door.

The halls lightened up a little but not much. I got to class with what seemed like minutes but were really seconds because the bell rang a short time after. Half of the class was late but I somewhat expected that.

Today he talked about the first war that we had. He also said that we would spend a half month on each war. That didn't sound fun. It meant that we would be getting into detail. I decided that instead of writing everything that I would use my new writing software.

I got about half way through the class when he came over and stopped right behind me. He looked down at my computer screen to see what I was doing and saw that it writing down every word he spoke. After that little checkup he walked around the class and kept on talking. I wonder if he cares at all.

I hate talking about the other classes to people so I thought it would be best to talk about the first. At supper time I went straight for the table. I guess that today I just wasn't that hungry.

"Hey wolf man! Are you going to tell Atreiyu or not?"

"Nah. I just figure that he'll make me change every time we workout."

"That is a good reason but you should still tell someone. What if I went with you to the nurse or something."

"It's okay. I think i'd rather wait awhile." I sat there, pondering on the real reason he didn't want to. I also decided to keep my mouth shut just in case there was a good reason behind it. Annabelle was off in the distance talking to a guy that was a good match for her, I really hope they aren't related. I waved her over and she said good-bye then trotted over.

"What made you so happy?"

"The guy I was talking to finally asked me out. I'm extremely happy." She started to space out as if she were imagining him naked.

"What are you thinking about?" Dakota just beat me to the question.

"What our lives would be like if we got together."

"Hey Dakota. We've got ten minutes. Let's go get ready."


We went to his first to make sure he had clean clothes. He did and I waited as he put them on in the bathroom. Then we went to my room. My magical closet came up with something and I wore it. I looked at the clock and saw that we had 5 minutes.

"That didn't take long." I said. I had to break the silence somehow.

"Guess there isn't much to talk about." He seemed a little reserved as if he were trying to hide something.

"That could be a good reason."

We did what we usually do and go to the door early. It was really weird now because we couldn't think of anything to talk about. Well, there is one thing but he doesn't want to talk about it.

The bell rang and Atreiyu came.

"You guys are early." He looked somewhat surprised. Then again we were a little early.


The next few months were about the same, quiet and reserved. It was almost like everyone had a secret that they wanted to tell but couldn't.

About mid-October I had another dream about my new race.


I followed Atreiyu back to the meeting spot where they first changed in front of me. It was getting dark and I couldn't see very well.

"Concentrate." Was all he said.

"Concentrate on what?"

"On lighting up the way." I couldn't quite figure out what he was getting at but I tried to look at what was in front of me. Suddenly everything turned light blue and I was able to see everything.

"Good. Now I see that my training is starting to pay off. You've become noticeably stronger. So, we will train you here as well."

"More training? But i'm sleeping."

"Well you look awake to me. It won't be anything like the training room." We came to the opening and there was a fire started already but no one was there.

"Great. I have to defend myself against like a lot of people."

"I've made it so only one comes out at a time."

"But you haven't taught me any defensive or offensive stuff."

"Just try." All the sudden one of the members jumped out and bolted at me.

As they swung at me I sat up in my real bed trying to piece this together.

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