The Weird Encounter

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While the blackness still surrounded me I started hearing a feint noise. I couldn't understand it but as the light started returning I could hear my mom's voice calling my name. It started as a whisper.

"Scarlett, Scarlett. Come on dear, please wake up." I started hearing a slight sobbing sound.

I moaned from soreness, it was mostly my lip but a little on my ear. "Oh, what happened?" I slowly lifted my right hand to my face only to have it stopped by my mom.

"Don't touch them! You'll irritate them more." Her hand was shaking a little so I looked over to see that she had been crying.

"Mom, what happened? Where am I? What's going on?" My mom takes my hand in both of hers.

"It's okay dear. You're home and safe. A gentleman carried you to the door and told me that you had passed out then brought you to your room. He then instructed me on how to clean them and not to worry about paying, it was on the house."

I stiffened a little, "How'd he get me here?"

"He drove your car. Don't worry, I explained the smell and he handed the keys back." That complete stranger drove MY car? She saw my reaction and tried to calm me down, "Scarlett, don't worry."

"I won't but I can't accept free piercings, that's too much."

"If that's what you feel then go ahead but..." Just then my phone buzzed and cut her off. I picked it up off my night stand and saw that it was from an unknown number.

"Probably Bailey." I said to myself.

My mom raised an eyebrow, "Oh, and who is this Bailey person?" I looked up at her.

"That one girl I've hated since second grade. She asked me to babysit for her." I looked down at my phone and opened the text. Sure enough, it was Bailey. I read the text over, it read:

          hey bitch! wanted u 2 no I live @ 78534 Queens dr edina. be hurr @ 7:10 2nite:)

"Oh my god," I muttered, "this had to be the most unintelligent text I've ever gotten." I looked at my mom and smiled, "I'm babysitting for an idiot."

She smiled back, "Good for you," she said sarcastically, "Just hope her sister isn't the same. Now on a more serious note, would you like something to eat?"

I looked at her, a little puzzled by her generosity but took advantage, "Yeah, could I have a peanut butter and marsh sandwich? Oh, and  smoothie."

She smiled again, "Sure dear." Then she left the room. I took advantage of her short absence to look in the mirror. As I crossed the room something speed by my window. It was quite abnormal because I lived on the second floor and it looked out at the backyard. I went over quickly to see if I could get a look at it but it had already disappeared.

After another quick look over the yard I turned to see mom standing in the doorway holding a plate with my sandwich and a glass filled to the brim with smoothie.

"What are you looking at?" She stepped through the doorway and see the edibles on my now crowded night stand.

"Nothing really, just looking." A small lie but I didn't want her to worry. I walked over towards her and sat on my bed and sighed, "I don't want to go to Bailey's. What if her sister is like her, or worse." I picked up my sandwich and took a small bite. It was a little painful to chew but I managed.

"It'll be fine hun." She patted my shoulder, "It'll go great." After a bit she walked out and shut the door behind her. My phone rang only a few moments after and again it was unknown. Probably Bailey again, I thought.

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