Convenience Stores

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I decided to confront Atreiyu about my favor after our training. The training had seemed to be quite easy but seemed like eternity. During our stretch down I decided to talk to Atreiyu about our need of transportation.

"Well I could drive you but it would take a long time to get back."

"It's fine I don't mind the drive," I looked over at Dakota and saw that he had been spacing out. "Dakota?"

His stare broke and he looked up. "Huh?"

"Are you okay with the long drive?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine with it." I could tell by the look in his face that he was a little uneasy about it. He looked up again and saw that I was looking. "It's alright babe, I'm going to be fine."

"Fine," Atreiyu had decided to pipe in, "I suppose that could give you guys a ride there. Since I cannot give away the location of the school I will have to knock you both out before we leave." My face immediately showed shock and confusion. "Not that kind of knock out, I will give you sleeping pills or something."

"Well then it's okay." I was joking about it but they both seemed confused, "I was kidding about that. I wasn't being serious." They still looked confused but pretended to understand.

"Alright, I will meet you two tomorrow at 10 by the nurses office. If you are late then I will leave you."

He then left the room and Dakota and I were free to roam around for a couple hours. We had decided that we would go and sleep in his dorm for the night.

"I feel more secure when there are people I trust close to me." I decided to say this to have some sort of excuse of not going to my room.

"It's fine I won't mind the company." I smiled and he kissed me on the cheek. As we were walking down the hall I saw Annabelle and her boyfriend practically having sex.

"Use protection!" I looked at her hand and saw that she was flipping me off. I started to laugh, though not loudly. We got to my room so I could take a shower and get something decent on compared to last time. I already had something picked out so i grabbed it and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard someone open the door.

"You mind if I shower here too?" It was Dakota and I don't think he was talking about separately.

"Uh, I suppose I don't care." He shut the door and I heard him taking off his clothes. It was a little weird and I wasn't exactly sure on how to react. The shower curtain opened a little and I saw him stick his head in.

"I promise I won't try anything that you're not comfortable with." I smiled and he climbed in. I moved over in order to let him have some time with the water. It felt good but I didn't want to hog all the warm water. He stepped into it and started running his hands through his hair in order to get the water through it.

"So, how's life?" He had asked and kept looking up to feel less weird.

"It's good, it got better since we are now able to go and visit home."

"Home..." He repeated the word and I instantly felt bad, "It will be nice to see your mom." When he looked down we starred into each others eyes, mine with guilt and his with happiness and a small bit of sadness. Looking into his eyes now and in the past were a little different. Now I see hope and happiness whereas in the past I saw loneliness and depression.

I stood up almost forgetting that we were naked in the shower and started kissing him. He returned it and it became more passionate than when I started it. I turned off the shower and started getting out still kissing him. We kept going all the way to the bed and we both laid down on our sides facing each other.

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