i love you

707 2 0

jackson wakes up and squeezes ramona's boobs

ramona:(moaning)jackson stop



jackson:shut up

ramona:i can't help it

jackson:well you better your dad is downstairs


ramona runs downstairs and sees fernando holding a baby that isn't ramon

ramona:who's that?

fernando:your new sister mona

ramona:who's the mother

fernando:your friend's mom lola


jackson:baby-- baby?

ramona storms upstairs


jackson runs upstairs and kisses ramona

jackson:tell me what's wrong beautiful

ramona:that's lola's mom baby


ramona:apparently my papa and her hooked up and now lola is my almost step sister

jackson:sit down gorgeous

ramona sits down and sighs and jackson massages her shoulders

ramona:i just hate her so much

jackson:you don't hate ne right?


jackson:so maybe if we'd go to the mall and we can go down the ladder if you don't want to see your dad



jackson picks ramona up and walks downstairs

jackson:mall of America?

ramona's eyes widen

ramona:jackson i love you so much

jackson:anything for you

3 hours later

jackson:ramona we're here

ramona:mmm no

jackson sighs and put his hand on her thigh

ramona:OK I'M UP

mall of america

jackson:where you wanna go first

ramona:Victoria's secret

jackson smirks and kisses ramona

ramona:relax I'm just getting bras and underwear

jackson:ok I'm gonna get some food I'll meet you there

ramona:kissey kissey before you go



jackson picks ramona up and kisses her

ramona:yay kisses

jackson:see you princess

jackson and ramona walk their opposite ways

jackson:I'll have cinnamon pretzels and 2 hot dogs and 2 lemonades

employee:that's 13.45

jackson gives her 15 dollars

jackson:keep the change

jackson walks into Victoria's secret

jackson:hey baby


jackson:here i got you a hot dog

ramona:thank you so much I'm star-----

jackson:what's wrong

ramona:never mind I'm not that hungry

jackson:you cool princess

ramona:yeah it's just that thought of lola living with me

jackson:why because I'll be at your new housle with me shirt off and she's gonna be staring


jackson:c'mon baby i want you to relax because I'm yours all yours

ramona kisses jackson

jackson:here's the hot dog

ramona takes the hot dog and takes a bite

jackson:it's so cute when you stuff your face like that.

ramona burps

jackson:awe my cute lil baby

ramona:shut up

jackson:so what did you pick out

ramona:i got some pink underwear some pretty blue lingerie

jackson:is that for me or you?

ramona:jackson i told you not before marriage

jackson:you were so willing to have sex 2 weeks ago

ramona:jackson i have no memory of that



jackson:what's wrong

ramona:it's my papa he's calling


ramona answers the call

r:yes papa

f:where are you i've been looking all around for you i want you to get to know lola and mona

r:lola and i don't get along

f:you will do as i say and i say you get to know her

r:i wish mom never moved

f:you get back here right now

ramona hangs up

ramona:he's just so aggravating i can't stan---

jackson kisses ramona

jackson:i love you ramona

ramona:i love you too

jackson:i should pay for this stuff

ramona:yeah if you don't want a treat tonight

jackson:sexy...i like it


jackson pays for the stuff and walks to barnes and nobels and picks out all the harry potter books

employee:have a lot of reading huh?

jackson:oh it isn't for me it's for my girlfriend

jackson sees ramona getting hit on by some guy


ramona:oh hey babe

jackson kisses ramona

jackson:who's this?

ramona:uh some guy

the guy walks away

ramona:c'mon we should leave it's getting late

3 hours later


ramona:jackson please don't make me

jackson gets out the car and picks ramona up

ramona:thank you

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