oh wow

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ramona:jackson i want you on this bed right now

jackson:did you take anything beautiful you aren't sounding like yourself

ramona:I'm fine


ramona kisses jackson and jackson pushes her off

jackson:ramona this isn't you?

ramona:i know it's just i miss you so much and i want you back

jackson:here ramona

jackson puts a hoodie on ramona

jackson:i just have so many hoodies


jackson:ramona i love you so much and if i wasn't respectful i would've taken this offer and you are so beautiful in this lingerie i would be in this bed with you right now

jackson takes a makeup wipe and wipes ramona's face

jackson:see still my beautiful ramona

ramona:thanks jackson

jackson:oh and before i forget

jackson kisses ramona and bites her lip

jackson:go and get into something comfortable I'm gonna put on a movie

ramona walks out the room and changes

kimmy:so how'd the plan go

ramona:ok i guess we are going to watch a movie in his room

stephanie:in his room woth the lights off

ramona:oh and he kissed me

ramona walks back into jackson's room

jackson:stop acting like i didn't hear the plan

jackson kisses ramona



ramona:what are we

jackson:what you want to us to be

ramona:i want us to be together

jackson:then together we shall do

jackson kisses ramona

jackson:i love you beautiful

ramona:i love you too jaxy

ramona:i think i want to move in one room together ya know give max his personal space

jackson:but college is a year away


ramona moves away from jackson

jackson:come here

jackson kisses ramona

ramona:just watch the movie jackson

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