school trip pt 2

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teacher:why are you in the bus

ramona:jackson and i broke up

teacher:well it's time to roast marshmallows under the stars


5 minutes later

ramona:ugh love

jackson:hey ramona

ramona fake smiles at jackson

jackson:ramona i know you better then anyone

ramona:you apparently know lola too tell jackson when we first had sex were you thinking about her or me

jackson:this isn't about her ramona

ramona:then what is it about?

jackson:us ramona c'mon i love you and no one else

ramona:jackson i don't want you i don't want you as a boyfriend jackson you don't want me you want lola

jackson:i do want you

jackson takes the ring his dad gave him and gives it to ramona

jackson:can you at least hold my ring i'm going for a swim


ramona looks at some note falling out of jackson's bag

note:ramona i love you so much i want to finally make a commitment here is a promise ring for my love for you i'm so glad you walked into my life 4 years ago one day i want to marry you ramona be mine xoxo jackson

ramona:he got me a promoise ring?

30 minutes of swimming


jackson puts on my pants and walks in the tent

jackson:i should have given her the promise ring

lola:it seems she already doesn't want anything to do with you

jackson:lola get out

lola:i heard everything last night

ramona:jackson we should talk about this not--- lola we broke up yesterday and your already moving on?

jackson:it isn't what it looks like

ramona:and i was thinking about talking this out and possibly getting back together

jackson:lola get out

lola leaves and ramona sits on the blowup

jackson:you aren't leaving until we talk this out

jackson locks the tent and puts the keys in his pants


jackson kisses ramona

jackson:please tell me you didn't feel anything

ramona;:jackson please i just want to talk

jackson sits down

ramona:i'm turning 18 next week and i think we should go to different collages

jackson:ramona please don't i worked my ass off

jackson puts on his shirt

jackson:if we are really over i want you to keep the hoodie

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