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jackson doesn't see ramona in her bed

jackson:c'mon we have the house to ourselves

jackson finds ramona in the closet crying


ramona:my mom she went into labor and i can't even see my baby brother being born

jackson:look ramona i have my drivers license and my mom told me what hospital they were going to so...if you want to go and see the baby

ramona jumps on jackson and hugs him

ramona:thank you so much jackson

5 hours later

dj:jackson? ramona what are you guys doing here?

ramona:where is my baby brother


ramona:is that?can i hold him

fernando gives ramon to ramona

jackson:ramona i have to go

jackson kisses ramona

fernando:Nunca se debe tocarte mi hija(you should never touch my daughter)

ramona:Papá calma abajo(dad calm down

jackson leaves



ramona:i'm sorry for everything i'll break up with jackson if you want me to just please don't take my brother away from me i love him too much

fernando:my son and your mother and i all think you should go with jackson

ramona hands ramon to kimmy and runs to jackson

ramona:i love you so much jaxito

jackson:i love you too baby c'mon lets go home

ramona kisses jackson and gets in the car

jackson:there is a party i'm going to

ramona:a party?

jackson:yeah and party popko is having look i'll go in and say hi get a plater and leave ok?

jackson kisses ramona


3 hours later



jackson:lay down with me


jackson:i need something to cuddle with and you are my baby


jackson opens his covers and ramona lays down


pongo runs on jackson's bed

ramona:hey jaxito do you miss cosmo

ramona:every day but i gotta stay strong right?


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