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jackson:hey beautiful

ramona:hi jackson

jackson:that's all i get you let the dog sleep in the bed and not me

ramona:the dog is small

jackson:can i sleep here max is having a playdate with rose


jackson lays down on ramona's bed

ramona:your such a baby

jackson:i'm not a baby

ramona:believe what you want


ramona:i'm gonna take a shower ok?

jackson:kissey kissey first

ramona kisses jackson and walks in the bathroom

ramona:(thinking)it's been weeks since i cut i need a release fuck what if jackson hears i can't find my backup

ramona finds her razor and starts cutting

jackson:babyyy come in the bed

ramona:just a minute


ramona washes the blood and changes into a long sleeve shirt

jackson:why'd you change

ramona:i didn't

jackson:ok well just lay down

ramona lays next to jackson and jr jumps on

jackson:babe why are my hands wet


jackson:my hands are wet

jackson gets up and sees blood dripping from ramona's wrist and sees it on his hand


ramona:jackson i told you i need a release

jackson:a release for what

ramona:jackson i get bullied i hate myself your my very first boyfriend i don't don't even know how to cope with all this------

jackson kisses ramona

jackson:give me the razor

ramona gives jackson her razor and cuts his wrist

ramona:no jackson don't

jackson:stop this it needs to stop i'm here to help you i'm here to love you

ramona:i need some rest jackson

jackson goes to the bathroom

dj:hey ramona


dj:are you and jackson a thing

ramona:would it be wrong if i said yes?

dj:very wrong that you didn't tell us

ramona:yes jackson and i date he's my boyfriend my very first boyfriend

dj:is he pressuring you to do anything

ramona:no he isn't

dj:well i don't know what to say unless good luck


ramona plops on her bed

jackson:ramona do you have a gaints t-shirt


jackson:good cause we are going to a game this Saturday


jackson:i gotta go


jackson:the mall


jackson:christmas shopping

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