"Harry get off of Justin." Zayn sighed.

"No! He's mine." Harry grinned cheekily and wrapped his arms tightly around Justin.

"Harry, you heard Zee, get off of Justin." Liam said coming into the room. "I know you don't have to be told twice." He continued with a raised eyebrow.

Harry sighed and dropped to his feet only to have Louis make sure he had brushed his teeth.

"Why do I gotta leave Justin alone?" Harry pouted as Louis fixed his twisted top.

"Because you're a little boy and Justin is Zayn's boyfriend. You can have one too when you're older." Louis assured the young lad.

"Much older." Liam put in.

"But I want one nooooooow." Harry whined.

"Stop whining. We're not having this conversation right now." Liam sighed. "We do, however, need to have another conversation." He said shooting a glance at Zayn and Justin.

"Do you want to explain what I walked in on this morning or do I not want to know?" He asked.

"I was tickling Zayn to get him up. That's all it was." Justin said.


"Yeah, it's true. I wouldn't get up so he tickled me." He said.

"Well now that's all sorted, whatever that was, let's head to the mall. I think Ash and Mikey are there already." Louis said.

"I hate being late." Liam sighed.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it in school." Louis sassed.

"Hey! I've grown up a bit now, I can't be late for a meeting for the company or it'll reflect badly on myself, my dad and the company." He explained.

"Let's just go or we'll be even later. God forbid." Louis joked.

They arrived at the mall ten minutes later Niall having to sit in Harry's car seat, which he was not happy about at all, so that Harry could sit on Zayn's lap so they could all fit in the car.

"Niall, I swear to god you kick the back of my seat one more time and I'll turn the car around and take you straight home." Liam warned and Niall just huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Lose the attitude, I'm not in the mood to deal with a grumpy Niall today. Lighten up and don't spoil the mood."

Niall never said anything to anyone the whole car ride, he just stared out of the window furiously until they arrived at the mall.

"Harry babe, make sure you're holding my hand at all times okay?" Louis asked the tiny boy.

"'Kay Papa." He said and put his small hand in Louis' larger one.

Louis and Liam walked with Harry, with Justin and Zayn walking a couple of steps behind and Niall secluding himself from the rest of the group as he was still angry with everyone.

"Hey Niall!" Luke was the first one to spot the family enter the restaurant.

Niall ignored his friend and Liam gave him a nudge and a look that said 'I'm warning you; be nice.'

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