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"Xio, why'd Jason leave?" I heard Rob enter and ask, after a few minutes. "Was it because of Dan? I'll go talk to him right now." he said, worried. 

"No, we just broke up for good." I said, simply. Lifting my head up and taking a deep breath.

"What do you mean, Xio?" he said coming closer.

"Did you listen to us talk?" I asked, knowing there was a good chance they heard it all, including my little random comment.

"Uh, no." he said, just as his voice wavered. No one could quite catch it like I could, but I knew he was lying every time his voice faltered when we were younger. I'm just happy I haven't lost my ear.

"You were always the bad liar." I said turning around and facing him. His hands were in his pockets, his head was tilted slightly downward and I could see him nervously, biting his lower lip. I don't know why my mind was so focused on that little detail, but I couldn't help it.

"We're not talking about this tonight." I said, taking the tequila bottle beside me, and walking towards Rob. "Tonight, I'll drink 'til I laugh for nothing, while discussing subjects I wouldn't normally discuss with you." I said looking at Rob, I was right in front of him now.

"You want us to stay?" he said, raising his head and smirking.

"Yes, I do. Did you expect me to want to be alone tonight?" I said, giving him a look from head to toe and right back up. "I have to use this liquid courage effect while it lasts." I said, pushing him back slightly, making room to go to the dinner table.

"Everything okay?" asked Daniel, as I walked in.

"No, actually it isn't." I said, reaching behind my back and unclasping my bra. "I need to get more comfortable." I said, turning around and walking upstairs, after leaving the bottle on the table.

Once I reached my room, I took off my dress, my bra and my panties. I needed to feel some type of freedom within the time and space I had available. I put on a pair of short shorts and an oversized t-shirt, that reached my upper thighs. As I was about to leave my room, I caught a glimpse of myself. I stood in front of my closet mirror door and wondered whether this was my best idea. Whether the decisions made tonight were the right ones. I found myself strung by the realization, that those right decisions don't exist now.

The only morally correct decision I could take was stay with my boyfriend and I didn't want that. I understood that the only thing that would be wrong in this moment was doing something much more than friendly with the men downstairs. I understood my current situation and the reason I wanted what I wanted. I was unsatisfied and I would remain unsatisfied until I understood this isn't my time. This wasn't the time to focus on my sexual desires and attractions, this was the time to reconnect with two of the most important people in my life. I needed their friendship, not a cheap fling.

With that I finally went downstairs, to two of the most attractive men I had ever seen in my young life. With every step I took, I felt a different urge and found a different way to stop it. This is going to be a long night, I thought as I reached the table, to find three shot glasses already filled.

"First of the night." Daniel said, giving one to me, then another to Rob and stayed with one.

"Bottoms up." I said, as I took my shot and looked at my company. I took a seat and they did the same, across from me.

"So...what do you want to do?" Daniel asked me.

"Let's play "Never Have I Ever". Every single time we have done whatever our opponents say, we take a half shot" I said, smiling at both.

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