59: kyoto, day two*

Start from the beginning

A blush crept up her cheeks when she remembered his arms caging her in, eyes blazing as she was backed up against the tree, the anger in them when he realized she wanted to leave everyone behind...including him.

Was it then? Was that when he snuck under her defences as the only one who she didn't instinctively want to shove away?

Or was it before, before when she was desperate to save him from himself? Before when he saved her life? Before when he helped her pick fruit he didn't even know much about from a tree? Before when he patched her scratched-up hands? When he found her trying to hide her shaking hands from everyone? When his was the first face she saw when she woke up with no memory, leaning over her with a gentle hand on her forehead to check for fever, midnight blue eyes widening in surprise when hers opened?


Shaking the memories away, she took her phone out to check the time, having forgotten to strap on her watch. It was 08.48 AM.

"Were you training?"

He hummed in affirmation. "It was hell. Haru's pretty much dead by now. Kaede's trying to revive him, but there's little hope for success."

Pai couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of her before she cleared her throat and tried to assume a proper stance. She used putting her phone away in her bag as an excuse to look away and rally herself up.

"You do not need to take time out of your schedule just to come with me," she informed him, trying to sound prim when she was still trying to figure him out. "I mean, you must be busy, and I do not want to be in your way."

"Trust me, I'm not busy." He replied smoothly.

That threw her. "But...Daichi-san said you are Kouta-sama's second-in-command? Should you not remain here?"

Shin grinned wickedly, and her breath caught at the sight of it. "Ryosuke's got the hang of it. And if something happens, I can make it back quickly."

"Ah," she maundered as she lifted her hand to her chest, gently fisting it over her heart. Her thumb pressed back on the pendant she wore under her shirt. "Daichi-san also said you hate all this."

"He didn't get that wrong. Besides, there are a lot of Hengen out in the city, as well." He tilted his head to the side as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'd feel better with you in my sights than knowing you're out there alone."

Her heart skipped a beat. Pai blamed it on Kuniumi, who snickered at the back of her mind. She didn't know how to reply to that, so she went with what she could.

"I – if you say so," she mumbled hesitantly. "Only if you are absolutely sure, Shin-san. I really do not want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Who'd scold me?" he smirked. It caught her by surprise, and had her own lips moving in a mimic of it. "Give me ten minutes?" he said as he started up the stairs and kept his eyes fixed on her. He was waiting for her answer.

Pai wondered if it was because he thought she might try to go on her own anyway, to avoid 'getting him in trouble'. She also wondered who actually would scold him if he did get in trouble. Kouta? No, he'd prefer getting into trouble with Shin than scolding Shin for it. Maybe Sojobo Kurama himself?

She really couldn't picture anyone scolding Shin.

She nodded and pointed at the stair she stood on. "I will be waiting right here."

It was only when Shin jogged up the remaining stairs and disappeared in the Palace that she realized people were staring at her. At first, she thought it was because of her white hair. It was the first thing she always thought when people stared. But she'd dyed her hair black for this very reason; to avoid being gawked at.

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