
"Aren't you supposed to report your duty here like... a few weeks ago, Pie?" Nan queried while she arranged the stuffs into the empty cabinet. Hongyok did the same at the other side while I was just staring at them, not having anything to be done at the moment. The food stocks could last for two weeks or more I guessed. They had them a lot.

"Something came up," I told them. Both of the teachers exchanged a look before they stared at me again. "Hey, I'm here anyway," I feigned a laugh, wishing that they would not question me further for the thing I did not wish to answer. The secret would remain between those who knew it, not by others to learn about it.

"Right," Hongyok nodded. "Your service is highly needed here. Have you met the Headmaster? Did he tell you anything?" She asked, pointing the carrot she held in her hand at me as she spoke.

"Yeah, that there are only the two of you and him teaching at the school."

"That's true. We are like multipurpose human teachers here!" Hongyok jested. "It's not that bad to be here, Pie. Trust me you'll get used to this environment and even enjoy your days teaching here," Hongyok spoke as if she could read my mind.

"I came here first and this kid came later," Nan joined in. "She freaked out so much when she first arrived here. Guess who gets homesick for the first two weeks?" Whatever Nan told me made Hongyok glared at her. I smiled a little upon seeing the pouty face Hongyok had. Nan surely loved to tease her a lot.

"So Nan is older than Hongyok?" Kimhan queried all of sudden to anybody it may concern.

The two teachers brought their gazes to Kimhan before Nan willingly answered her. "Hongyok is a year younger than me and I guess Pie and I are at the same age. I'm 25."

It came to my surprise that Nan could guess it right. People rarely guess my age correctly. It would usually be one or two years younger than my exact age. However my new colleague here guessed it right for the first time. She was great in calculation or there was 25 stuck on my forehead that only she could see it?

"You guess it right." I finally spoke after a brief startled moment. Nan smiled with her minor achievement and I saw Hongyok shook her head, amused by the scene before her eyes.

"I'm the youngest here," Kimhan said but in a nearly inaudible voice.

"You're younger than me?" Hongyok seemed disbelief. She made her way to Kimhan and eyed the tall figure from the head to the toe. Her scrutinizing stare expressed the dissatisfy she had in her. "But you don't look like one." Her brows creased into a perfect shape of frown.

"She's just taller than you," Nan interrupted. "Come back here and don't do that to people. You're going to scare Kimhan," Amused by the way Hongyok behaved, Nan beckoned the younger one to return to her side.

"Shall we start to cook now?" Kimhan asked, somewhat volunteering herself for help. Cooking was no doubt Kimhan's expertise. She was the chef for me, remember?

"No. You're the guest. Let Nan and I do it," Hongyok responded fast enough, not letting Kimhan to do the cooking. She hurriedly grabbed anything she needed for the ingredients and rushed to Nan's side. "Just sit and relax. You have to drive back home for hours later."

I could tell that Hongyok had this kind of little angel in her. She was soft, fair and modest. Her sweet feminine appearance could make everyone falls for her beauty at first look. Nan on the other hand was one with this manly look. Easier to describe, she was no different than Kimhan. Short hair, slim and tall figure – She was not that bad though.

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