Chapter 11~It was Luci

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(Finally thought of how it should end)

That devious smirk on Oliver's face made me cry out. I was in so much pain already seeing that all of this was a simple trick just broke me.

"O-Oliver P-please........" I begged another time crawling back to him weakly and grabbing his legs. "I-if you k-kill m-me l-let h-him go" I looked up at him and began to cough again.

"Sure poppet but I wont be killing you. That's Luci's Choice~" He smirked and I was kicked from him again. He then left and I turned to Luciano

Luciano bent down to me. "Kill you? My dear. I'm not that terrible" Luciano smirked and held out a gloved hand.

I weakly reached out for it as he pulled me to my feet. I felt very dizzy and instantly fell forward into the Italians arms.

I thought I loved Oliver...but no. I was wrong. I couldn't help but cry, pain surveying through my body.

"H-how c-can I-I l-live?" I asked, blinking very slowly up at the Italian.

There was no reply. Only a small soft kiss.

Instantly I felt a feeling I never had truly felt since returning to myself

I felt safe. Here in the Italians arms. His kiss was filled with true love. Much more than Oliver's.

This kiss was pure and I could tell.

I was going to be alright.

It wasn't long after the kiss my eyes faded to a dull color and my vision grew blurry.

Luciano lifted my limp body off the ground and that was the last thing I remember.

I woke up on a white bed in a white room.

The room was well organized. I could tell it was Luciano's.

I heard a small knock on the door and smiled softly.

Luciano opened the door and saw my smile

"Are you alright, Bella? You were hurt badly"

His voice was so soft. So kind. It was so unlike him.

"S-sì" I replied in his language. I had to be careful in his presence, yet it still felt oddly safe.

"I'm sorry. I swear I didn't want this. Oliver took things much to far." He took a deep breath.

"O-Oliver..." I mumbled the name with disgust.

"Ho sempre ti amo, Bella" Luciano muttered softly as he gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. "Mi dispiace for holding it in."

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