Chapter 7~conditions

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Please note the rest of the story is in the real Alice's point of view


 I weakly stood from the small circle at which Ellice had finally left my body. Uncle England raised his bushy eyebrows that I love to see.

I was smiling brightly. "D-Daddy! I-I Did it!!" I shouted and if I had the strength I would've jumped up and clapped. Uncle England squinted suspiciously but released the curse on the ring so that I could step out. I instantly ran over to my dad I jumped up into his arms and he spun me around just like we used to do. I laughed as he did and so did he. "Daddy! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you to my little hero!" He laughed and so did I, I loved it when he called me that. More than anything he does I loved being called his little hero. With him being such a big hero I was glad he saw me as his hero.

One day I hoe he and Uncle England will do what they promised and forgive each other. I know it is kinda weird but someday I want them to get married, and if they do I wanna be daddy's flower girl.

"I hate to interrupt this reunion but we still have a situation. AND WHAT ABOUT MY DAUGHTER!" England roared.

"it was you who said Angel was the favorite was it not? Why not go spend time with-" Dory was interrupted by the banging of Al's bat against the wall.

"Great! your all here! Now we can beat the-" Al's mouth was covered up by Oliver's hand.

"AL! HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM YOUR FATHER?!" Oliver scolded causing dory to grab her ears.


"yeah if anything Oliver is the mother." Francios remarked.

"SHUT IT FRANCIOS!" Al was obviously growing impatient.

"That's no way to speak to your parents" Francios scolded.

Dory was next to blurt something out "THAT'S IT! I CANT STAY HERE ANYMORE!!" as she said that the body fell limp to the floor.

"DOT!" Uncle England ran to her trying to stop her from falling. "LISTEN YOU IDIOTS! ILL STAY HERE WILLINGLY IF YOU HELP HER!!" he shouted

All of the 1ps in the room gasped in shock at what he'd said.

"Wait I thought you said..." I tilted my head slightly confused.

All the 2ps looked at each other and Feli spoke first. "Alright England" Feli turned to Oliver "Ollie know what to do right?"

Oliver nodded with a big smile and ran to uncle England's side. "May I poppet?" Oliver asked politely bending down next to him.

Uncle England hesitantly nodded and handed the limp body to Oliver. After standing he looked at the 2ps "However there are conditions to my staying with you..."

Feli stopped Oliver from doing anything yet. "What kind of conditions are those" He said with a glare.

"1rst she has to be awake before anything...awake and back to full control" Uncle England replied.

Feli nodded and crossed his arms

"2nd you have to let them go, all of them." He pointed to the other 1ps in the room.

Feli looked back but soon nodded.

"3rd you have to give me a chance to apologize to my daughter for the way I have acted towards her ever since Dory came along."

Feli smirked "Alright fair enough, I suppose. Oliver, continue"

Uncle England stopped him "I'm not done yet...the 4th and final condition is you have to give me one day a week to practice my magic" He smirked.

Feli sighed and rolled his eyes "yes, yes fine lets get on with this already."

Uncle England looked away not wanting to watch whatever he had to do and as he did Oliver smiled brightly. He brought his face close to Dot's and lifted hers u so their noses touched.

Oliver whispered something that sounded like "with this kiss I return you, poppet your rightful ownership of this body" and after his words he touched his lips to hers.

Within seconds dot's eyes fluttered open and blush spread across her face as she realized who was kissing her. She pushed his off of her "O-Oliver?! Wh-what the?!"

Uncle England turned instantly after hearing her voice. "Dot!" He bent back down to her. Oliver smiled and handed her back to uncle England, who hugged her tightly like he hadn't seen her in forever. "I-I'm so sorry Dot, I'm sorry for everything I've ever said to you and for the way I have had to treat you."

Al made himself gag and Feli slapped him "it was one of the conditions"

Dot smiled and hugged uncle England just as tight. "Its ok daddy, I know why you had to do it. I'm ok now because of it."

They hugged for hours time it seemed until Feli finally got sick of waiting and pried them apart. He looked at all the 1ps in the room "shoo! get! before I change my mind!" with Feli's words they all ran out the room, all except me.

"Get! NOW!" Feli said approaching me.


I saw Dot run back in and grab my hand. We both stood firmly were we were. Not long after daddy ran in and grabbed my other hand, Germany ran in and grabbed his, Anslem (Germany's son) ran back in and grabbed Germany's hand. Dot reached her hand out and grabbed uncle Englands hand. We all stood together in a line, even Canada grabbed Englands other hand.

I looked at all of them with a small then back at the 2ps "you take one of us, you take all of us!" I nodded and so did the others.

Feli smirked and the others took a few steps toward our line. We stayed strong an stood where we were. The 2ps didnt look like they were going to give up but i was prepared for this. I could tell the others were as well.

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