Chapter 5~ Germany, Dot...and son?

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Matt was the first to spot someone, but of course it wasn't who we wanted it to be...No this isn't going to be easy. We spotted Germany...and another boy...who I didn't recognize.

Alice probably would've though, if she could see, that is. Another little girl stepped out from behind them both. This girl I did recognize, it was Dot...which meat Dory was inside her somewhere. I smirked...then realized quickly that if Dot was with Germany England wouldn't be far behind. 

"dammit even my father would've been much better than this." I mumbled the others had hidden and it was just me and Alice...though we are in the same body so it's really just me.

The boy looked up and noticed me "Sir" he saluted to Germany and waited for a nod. When it came he quickly pointed to me.

Germany nodded "danke sohn" Germany said taking a step towards me. I chuckled, it sounded like he said son. Wait from the little German I do know sohn means son. Germany has a son?! why the fuck didn't I know this?!

"Ihr Willkommen" the boy nodded and reverted his gaze to Dot, who hid behind the boy.

Then I noticed England, I knew he was horrible at magic but my god not that bad. Standing next to his daughter was a little chibi England. I couldn't help bit chuckle.

I decided it best to act like Alice... "Hey dude! Germany! Dot!....U-uncle England?" I tilted my head, great escape for not knowing the boy. 'hey what's Germanys kids name?' I asked the other soul in my body. With no reply I threatened again "ill do it" It came out of my mouth not my mind. 'shit! now they will know!'

"Shut up Alice...wait a minute...Ellice? How did you get out here again?!" England voice was so high pitched I had to laugh. Since he figured it out I did...I laughed until I fell over. Which was a big mistake...

Germany picked me up by the collar. "H-hey let go off me!" I shouted trying to push him off me. He was much stronger than me though. I sighed and gave up after realizing his grip was only tightening.

I herd a chuckle come from the shadows. Then I watched as Dot walked over to me..."I-I never l-liked y-you o-or th-that D-Dory o-or anyone from y-your d-dimension...I s-swear w-we w-will d-dominate y-you. a-all of y-you."

Suddenly I heard America scream...America came running out and hid behind Germany. I saw Angela wink and Canada behind her sighing. I laughed as all the 2ps jumped out and ambushed them all. Causing Germany to drop me.

The 2ps easily defeated them all. Dot at some point had transformed in to Dory so she helped us. England was to cute to hurt so I just picked him up.

I was finally going to get what I wanted. I knew the trick to winning fights against the 1ps or as we dark ones like to call them the light that will not be aloud to stop our darkness. I was finally going to have full control of this body, and Dory and I will lead the Dark ones to take over the world. Destroying theses damn 2ps to. except maybe the pink haired one. He's cute. Maybe Dory will like Lutz. The rest of them though...they will get in the way. Only the stupid ones can live. As for the 1ps who have managed to push there dark one back into our dimension...they will receive no mercy. Since they are nations, mostly just merciless beatings maybe even permanent Comatose. What ever we plan to do, I'm positive that nothing will stop use. I laugh evilly inside and we walk again. Slowly walking...listening to the wines and moans of the light ones. Listening to the chuckles and cheers of the 2ps. Even the constant names England calls Dory to try to get her to let Dot out. All of it...was nice to hear. Soothing almost, in fact it was the first moment of peace I have had in a long time.

As we arrived at the 2ps house I set England down, with the little magic Dory could use she was able to return England to his normal size. We both willingly stepped into the circles that England had drawn. First Dory, she stepped in and soon the body fell to the floor, as the brit began reciting some of his spell words. The body twitched, over and over again. Oh how I wished I could watch what was going on inside. Sadly I cannot do that without leaving this body...which is something I will not do easily.

The fight inside seemed  to last ages, I sat watching the body twitch. Dory doesn't know the tricks like I do. When the battle did finally end I smirked. Dory managed to win, but she couldn't push Dot out, so Dory's battle is not yet over. Mine however will end here and now. I'm going to push Alice out of this body and into the dark dimension, where her soul will easily be eaten by the darks that have been pushed back. This is definitely the end for one of us, no this is not my end. This is Alice's end. Before stepping into the circle I listened to the screams of my 'father' coming from upstairs. I heard no screams from either German, but I could tell they were in pain. I looked at England who was upset, very upset. He knew his daughter could here him so from out here he scolded her.

"your pathetic! the worst daughter I have! Angel is defiantly the favorite." England yelled causing Dory to grab her ears. SHe hated scolding, no matter who it was being scolded. That's why England does it so much. To push Dory back. That's why Dot is so shy, she is constantly being scolded.

"STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!" Dory shouted loudly annoyed with how England treated her. England smirked and motioned towards me...

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