Where Knights Rush In

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A cross between a movie star

And a hero in a book

Romeo comes struttin' in

And everybody looks.”


* * * *

I can see it in your eyes,

you're livin' a troubled life

And you've been hurtin'

more and more these days

You don't have to hide it,

don't even have to fight it

Baby all you have to do

is just turn and walk away.”

- Come Cryin' To Me, LONESTAR


 When he had entered the church just a few minutes ago, apprehension had tightened his guts. He knew how thin a tightrope Noble was walking, and just because he'd sent him that text – no doubt in a moment of despair – it didn't mean he would welcome Jonah with open arms now that he'd arrived. It was doubtful the guy even really expected him to show up.

The sanctuary had been empty, but voices were coming from the Pastor's office and he'd made his way up the outer aisle past the rows of pews. And when he'd stepped through the office door – you could've heard a pin drop. It had only taken a moment and a quick scan of the room to note that Noble wasn't there. Nor was Rebecca. He'd surmised right then that that wasn't good. If she was with him, then she was trying to talk him down off the ledge – the one he teetered on every so often, ready to plunge into Jonah's arms.

There had been only one occupant in the room he didn't recognize, so he'd assumed it was Jack Hayden. When Jonah had looked at the man, the guy stared back and Jonah just barely caught the quick once over the man gave him. It was brief – but not brief enough for Jonah to miss it, though the others surely had. Healed, my ass.

Jonah had just turned to ask his dad where Noble was – when the office door opened and Rebecca stopped short, instant fury in her eyes. Behind her, Noble froze as Jonah grabbed his stare – and the man's heart leaped into his eyes so fast and forceful it ripped the air from Jonah's lungs and weakened his knees.

“What are you doing here?” A cold chill rippled around Rebecca's question as she stared at him. Every eye was on him, but he only had eyes for Noble who stood rigid with tension and shock. No, he didn't expect you to come here.

“Dad, make him leave.” Rebecca turned to Mason, voice straining. “He shouldn't be here. He is the problem. I don't want him here.”

Jack straightened and took a step forward. “Rebecca is right.” he was speaking to Jonah. “Noble is here for help...to find healing. Your presence could very well set him back. Now if you truly care for him, you will respect his wishes.”

Gazing at Noble, their eyes locked, Jonah murmured, “Oh...I respect his wishes.” he broke from his stance and moved forward, brushing past Rebecca and catching hold of Noble's arm. “We need to talk.”

“What're you doing?” Rebecca stared at him incredulously as he half pushed, half tugged Noble back through the doorway into the sanctuary.

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