"Master, why did we come here?," I ask him, he walks deep in the forest as I follow, eventually we come to a spot full of water, trees, and animals. 

"Your power is the elements as you know, so as a part of your training you must connect with the elements to have a better understanding of your powers," Master sits cross-legged in front of the pond. "Come, sit with me, feel the magical energy radiating off of nature," I sit next to Master frowning. 

"But Master, there's no magic in plants and animals," the only plant I've ever heard of with magic is a singing flower, Mira has one, but I'll never see it because I'm too afraid to ask. 

"Nonsense child, there's magic in everything around us, you just have to focus to feel it, there's even magic in humans that are born without the ability to unlock it," he folds his hands in his lap and shuts his eyes. 

"But, Master how," he cuts me off, mid-sentence. 

"Just relax and focus Angelina, just do as I do," he takes a deep breath and becomes silent. Still frowning I shut my eyes and take a deep breath as well. The sounds of nature surround me, fluttering butterfly wings, deer running around, the water flowing behind us, frogs croaking, it's all so peaceful, but it's also all so distracting. I can't feel any magical energy at all, after waiting and trying to focus for a few minutes it eventually becomes unbearable for me to stay still, I feel Master stand beside me. 

"Stay here for the night in meditation until you can feel the forest, get used to the feeling of meditation Angelina, because starting from today you will be doing it often," he begins to walk away and I gasp standing. 

"But, Master I can't! I-it's too difficult!" I shake my head wildly. Master turns and smiles at me. 

"Child, nothing is too difficult," he walks away and I sit back down. 

"Dang it!," I growl and sigh, trying to relax again I sit and listen to nature once more, hoping that I would feel the magical energy soon.


The magic energy! I feel it! Slightly opening my eyes I gasp at the sight before me, each living creature and plant have its own aura, its own radiance of magical power, my eyes widen at the sight. I raise my hand and it all grows brighter. Each living thing before me has its own life force, its own magic like Master said. I raise my hand a little more and a small flower sprouts before me. I've never done that before! Gasping happily I do a little dance, I wonder. Master also told me once that my family can control many plants if not all, and grow and shrink them at will. Putting my hands out I picture the flower bigger, its aura growing in size, I feel something shift under me, opening my eyes, I gasp see the flower got huge! "I have to show Master!," I giggle happily, making the flower shrink again I bound out of the forest. The moon shines brightly down on me as I run through the mainly silent Magnolia, with the exception of people taking late night walks, and the boatmen floating down the river with their ships. 

Eventually, the guild comes into view and my giddiness grows even more. "Excuse me!," almost bumping into a man I swerve around him and run into the guild, making people jump. 

"Angelina thank goodness!," Erza comes running over and grabs my cheeks. "Are you alright?," she asks a very serious expression on her face, why wouldn't I be alright? I've only been gone for the day. 

"I'm fine why?," I smile pushing her hands off of my face, she looks at me weirdly. 

"Angelina, you've been gone for three days!" exclaims Erza, shock slowly draws on my face, I've been in meditation for three days?! "Master says you were learning to connect with nature, and that you would be back the night you left, but when you didn't come back Natsu, Gray, and I all got worried, but Master said we couldn't look for you," she sighs. 

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