"Why are you stairing at me?" I ask softly, lightly sniffling. He tilts his head before leaning forward as if he was about to tell me a secret and i slowly lean forward not realizing i was easing out my chair until i could feel him breathing on my lips.

"I uh...sorry" he breathes out as if he isnt sure if he ment it or not and i roll my eyes, standing up ready to end the session when he calls my name.

"What joker?" I ask softly sniffling giving him one last glance but hes stairing at me intensly and running his tounge over his silver teeth.

"You uh...you look pretty when you cry" jokers breathes out and i feel my face warm up and i begin to stumble over my feet as i walk out. Why was i acting like this...over a psychopath?!

Sitting infront of my tv i throw popcorn at the tv as another commercial came on. The movie wasnt even 20 minutes in and this was the 3rd damn break. After today all i needed was reruns of my favorite movies and comfort food.

"Thats such a waste" a deep voice said and i screamed throwing the remote at the culprit behind me but they easily caught it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I gasp angrily, trying to catch my breath but he chuckles climbing over the couch plopping next to me a grin on his cherry red lips.

"Whaaat? Now i cant come visit you?" He ask astounded. "Didnt get the memo! Thought you enjoyed my presence" he huffed but i rolled my eyes.

"I enjoy your presence and jokes but youre suppouse to be in arkham locked up not in my living room while im half dressed!" I snark remembering i only had a red lace thong on and a burgundy oversized tshirt im not sure where it came from but it smelled heavenly.

"I didnt tell you to not put clothes on, besides if i leave im just going to end up getting into something" he says letting the thought sink in before a chesire grin grows on his face and he stands up off the couch but i pull him back down.

"No J! Youre going to stay right here on this couch. You wont go out killing innocent people if i can stop it" i yell nearly straddling him but he smirks his baby blue eyes turning a few shades darker.

"Oh i wont go anywhere if you stay in this position doll" he grins with his voice predatorial. He never...flirted with me like this before, wait, was this even considered flirting? If so why was he flirting? Was he serious or just joking?

"Youre such a...a pervert" i scoff after a second realizing i never said anything. I go to climb off him or try being the better word but his hands place themselves on my hips one of his thumbs brushing right underneath my scar making me shiver.

"T-this is so innapropriate j, we should not be this close" i stutter and internally curse myself. Why was he making me so flustered...why wasnt i scared or nervous, why wasnt i calling the cops?! He adjusted my weight making his pelvis rub against mine and it was like a switch flipped in me. I could feel him everywhere, his breath on my neck his scent in my nose and his warm large rough hands rubbing my thighs firmly gripping them. The heat between us made me feel like my skin was on fire and i could feel myself melting into him. Why was my body reacting like this to him? His lips ghosted from my collar bone up to my ear earning a shiver from me. Why was i so turned on just by his touches and a few words. Like some dumb whore that easily opened her legs. The fire quickly burned out as i jumped off his lap and ran a hand through my hair.

"Get out" i snapped my voice shaky and uneven, i couldnt look at his face but i bet he either rolled his eyes or was stairing at me. Probably both.

"What?" He growled annoyed though i know he was confused and maybe slightly startled and it sent a vibration down through my body. Why did him growling turn me on? Why was i feeling anything but repulsed.

"Get out! Go run in the street play in traffic kill people, kill yourself, i dont care but get out. I....just please get out" i whisper the last part feeling my eyes start to burn. I hope he leaves before the tears come down and he gets the satisfaction of knowing he broke down another psychiatrist. He huffed and i hear him get up before feeling his heat behind me as his lips placed a teasing kiss on my shoulder before he bumped into me roughly and slammed the front door. When he did i felt warm tears running down my cheeks as i slump to the floor. He was a manipulator. Its what he does, he observes and learns how people act and think then twist his way into their mind. He controls them until he gets his way. I hated being alone i craved affection and attention somehow he figured that out and used it to get to me until we almost had sex just now and wouldve had me chasing after him head over heals. I let out a sob as i drag myself to my room and plop into my bed. I hated being alone so much i found comfort in a psychopath i enjoyed his attention, his witt even his facial expressions. God, i sounded like some lovesick teenager. I hated it. The way he made my skin spark, the way his eyes watched my every move the way he made me laugh and smile. Another sob escaped my lips as i questioned my sanity. I was even having dreams that didnt make sense and half the time he was there, in them. My throat began burning and my eyes stung while my head felt like a game of ping pong was going on. What the hell was happening to me?

Gangsta//JokerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang