Her wrist that was once broken, was held back by me so she couldn't dig her nails into my back.

Hearing loss fully recovered because everytime I told her I loved her even if I tiredly whispered it, she would still hug me and kiss on me.

It amazed me how different her body transformed and healed from all her injuries....

Instead of looking at scratched up knuckles and sprained fingers, I was looking at the purity of our relationship glistening brightly on her finger.

Instead of looking at a broken nose, I would continue to watch it scrunch up if she heard something she didn't like.

Instead of looking at her fractured collarbone, I continued to glance at the necklace I got my baby that resembled me when I wasn't there.

Instead of looking at complete red eyes, I would look into her bright hazel eyes.

And now.... instead of seeing a huge vest around her torso to breath and heal properly, I felt it heaving against me while I made love to her...

Love is a beautiful thing 😌

Shay POV
*Hours Later*

I breathed out while feeling the soft sensation of smooth hands running over my back.

After breathing out quietly, I decided to just lay there for a second to feel the gentle hands.

After a couple minutes, I realized that I felt air all over my back and my bare chest was pressed against the silk sheets.

.... I was naked.

I blushed hard and tried not to smile.

I reached down discreetly and pulled the blankets over my body to cover me.

"Ohmygosh" I said nervously and hid my face from my husband.

I felt movement for a second while I continued to lay on my chest, burying my face from him.

"Awwweeee is my baby shy now?" He playfully said while laying his huge body on mine.

I giggled and shook my head.

"Mmmmmmmmhm" he mimicked a dramatic female, making me try my hardest not to burst out in laughter.

"Shut upppp" I exaggerated while still hiding my face from him.

He began kissing all over my head and side of my face.

I grinned and tried to turn my face away from him so he couldn't kiss my cheeks, he gasped in shock.

"Are you trying to deprive your husband of his lovin?" He said dramatically.

I giggled at his goofy ways.

I nodded my head playfully.

He got quiet for a second before sniffing and making loud sobbing sounds.

"I'm cryinggggggg" he said in a toddler voice.

I tried not to react to how funny it was. He's so extra.

He made the dramatic crying sounds for about 10 seconds and I couldn't control my laughter.

He stopped suddenly.

"Your just gonna let your husband cry like this? Damn that's cold" he said in his normal voice with a deep laugh.

I put my arm out and pulled his face to mine.

Just getting a glance at his face after last night made me turn bright red.

He was just so damn handsomeeeee 😍

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