She pulled down her glasses to the tip of her short nose and gave me a look of disbelief.

"Heather what?"

"Heather Thorn"

I confidently told her.

"Age then."

She said as she pushed her glasses back to the place they were originally, then she jotted it down.


I quickly lied.

"And finally where do you come from."

She made a note of my age, still not looking at me.

"I'm from Scotland."

"Okay, where in Scotland."

She wrote down Scotland and glanced up at me. I paused for a second.


She wrote that down.

"Welcome Heather, we're glad you have made it her safely and I'm sure She, will be happy to see you."

"Please walk over to that sign and wait."

"You may go."

She gave me an awkward smile.

I quickly strolled away from her desk in case she asked any more questions and I would have to make up more lies. I don't know why I lied, I just don't trust her. When I got to the sign a white stallion came trotting along, he stopped in front of me and waited. I hesitated but then clambered on top of him. My dress was to long so I had to pull it higher up to my hips. Without any warnings the horse started to gallop, I almost fell backwards of him. I don't know where he's taking me, nor did I know where I was.

After a while of riding, in the distance I saw a beautiful silver and white palace. I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful palace, we rode straight for it, the horse slowed down and came to a halt at the front door. I slipped off and patted him. The doors opened by themselves again. I slowly took a couple steps toward the palace. I wonder who She is? That lady was talking about her a lot.


I croaked, inside was two white and silver stair cases that go around the huge room, on the floor was a huge angel wings print in silver. The walls had windows letting in light. I looked up to see the most wonderful chandelier it was sparkling crystal. There were huge pillars around the room. Around the edge of the tall dome shaped ceiling they had carved a design that had so much detail. It had harps and angels flowers and leaves. In between the stair cases there was a massive crystal grand father clock with a silver face and a silver pendent. It was so beautiful I though I was dreaming, it was like a princess lived there. I have never seen a room so beautiful and big. I was distracted by the room that I didn't see the beautiful lady wearing a huge white ball gown that followed behind her when she walked, It had pretty light pink flowers on it, her hair was in a low bun and has silver feathers in it and it was so gorgeous and she was so stunning, like a princess I would love to wear what she was wearing. The most peculiar thing about her was her huge angel wings. They were white with silver swirls on them.


A soft, dreamy voice echoed through the room. I looked up at her, she glided down the stairs so gracefully and approached me, not knowing what to do I curtsied.

"No silly, no need to do that."

Giggled her dreamy voice. She was even more spectacular up close. With her lovely light blue, crystal like eyes that had a slight sparkle to them and her full lips a soft shade of light pink. Her slim nose with a soft point. I could smell her from where I was standing, she smelled of strawberries and roses.

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