
An excited Camila pops up on the screen, a wide smile on her face as she talks animatedly. "Lauren's coming home from the hospital today. She thinks we're just going to dinner with her parents and mine, but we've been planning this special party for her for awhile. Her mom thought it'd be a good idea since the only people she's gotten to see were pretty much just her parents and I. Everyone wanted to visit, but time is crunched for everyone, I guess."

"Dawg, what are you doing? Put the camera down and come help a sister out!"



"I see the car! They're here, everyone down!"

"We're trying to surprise her, not give her a heart attack."

The camera zooms in on the door, the room getting quiet as everyone patiently waits. Lauren's voice can be heard faintly through the door, "Why're we back home? I thought we were just meeting Camz and everyone else at the restaurant."

"Actually.." The door opened, Lauren's tank creaking awkwardly in behind her as the two shuffled into the room. "That was a diversion your girlfriend came up with."

"Wha..." Lauren's eyes scanned the room, landing on Camila behind the camera.



"These two are out." Normani moves around the couch, poking Camila's cheek. Dinah giggles behind the camera.

The TV was the only source of light in the room, casting a gentle glow over the sleeping forms on the couch. Lauren lay buried underneath Camila and far too many blankets for Miami during the summertime, snoring softly.

"Should we prank them?" Normani glances up, looking between the camera and Dinah.

"Tempting, but no." Dinah steps closer. "We can annoy the hell out of them, though. Go turn on the lights."

Normani disappeared from the frame, Dinah moving the camera and zooming in on Camila's face — her mouth was hanging open, her face smushed against Lauren's chest. Suddenly, the room was filled with light, Camila's eyes snapping open at the sudden change. She sat up abruptly, pushing down on Lauren's stomach accidentally as she shot up. The air was knocked out of Lauren and she began coughing, sitting up as well.

"Shit, baby, I'm sorry." Camila brushed the hair out of Lauren's face, rubbing her back as she caught her breath again. Dinah burst out into laughter.

"The fuck..." Lauren grumbled groggily, wrapping her arms around Camila's shoulders and burying her face in Camila's neck.

"Nobody answered the door, so we let ourselves in. Even in your sleep you still drool over Lauren's tits. In this case, it was more literal."

"I hate you." Camila grabbed a pillow, tossing it at the camera.

"I know what'll make her leave." Lauren mumbled against her neck, lifting her head and placing her hands on either side of Camila's cheeks. Without warning, she smashed her lips against Camila's causing Dinah to make fake gagging noises.

"Ya'll nasties. We're going, we're going. C'mon, Mani."


"Hey, baby. Remember how I've been sneaking off with my friend Magnus and you started getting pissed 'cause you thought something was going on? Well, here's what we actually were doing. I hope you like it."

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