July 27, 2017

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You're sitting with Dinah, enjoying a cup of coffee. I'm with Ally across the room, Mani at the counter getting our drinks. I catch your eye and you smile at me, and suddenly I forget how to breath. Your smile always caught me off guard, especially from the beginning.

Ally has given up on getting my attention at this point, and is instead smirking at me when she realizes where my attention is. She was the reason I got up and talked to you that day. I wouldn't have had the courage to do anything if she hadn't given me one of her famous mom speeches.

I came up to your table and asked Dinah if I could talk to you for a moment. She just gave me this knowing look and went to go get acquainted with Ally and Mani. I think she knew we were all going to become friends.

You did that cute flirty thing where you rest your chin in your hand and do that thing with your eyes... and I knew I was a goner.

That will always be one of my best days. It's when my little group of three became my favorite group of five. To be completely honest with you, I think I fell in love with you the minute we made eye contact. Was that too cheesy? I guess I'll never know...

I hope you and the girls do something extremely fun and stupid today. You can imagine me there with you (though you know, like I've said before, I'm always there with you no matter what physics and science may say — do both of those fall under the category of science? I know, I'm ruining the moment).

Happy meet-a-versary.



(P.S. Thank you for the flowers you had delivered to the hospital. I know you told me they weren't from you but I know you — lilacs have your fingerprints all over them.)

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