UKFr-You Love Me Pt. 2

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England still sat on his seat, forgetting all about the other countries. His heart pounded, and he turned his head to stare at America, who actually looked serious for once.

"Dude, you need to go after him before he does anything stupid," he said without the usual joking tone.

England didn't say anything. He just stood up.

And began to run in the direction France went, the sounds of the other countries arguing about what was going to happen fading away as he ran after the heartbroken country.

"Come on you frog, where are you?" he muttered hurriedly, concern glowing in his emerald eyes.

He strained his ears and looked out for a clue as to where he was.



"He went that way!" a certain green flying rabbit yelped, pointing west with his paw.

"Thanks FMB!" England thanked before running off in the direction the bunny said.

He kept running until he got to the park, and started to jog around. He made his way to the pond, having been there before and remembering the location.

He slowed to a walk as he heard sobbing coming from behind a tree a couple of meters away.

He walked round the tree silently to see a crying France, who's eyes were closed.

He edged closer to the weeping frenchman, careful not to make a sound. He didn't make a peep until he was within range. Then he pounced.

His body collided with Francis's, and he tackled him to the ground.

He ended up straddling his hips, but whatever.

"Hello Love," he grinned, looking down at the rather pink France, who's tears stained his face.

"Angleterre, Merci de me laisser aller. Ce n'est pas à l'aise, vous savez que je vous aime..."
(England, please let me go. This is uncomfortable, you know I love you...)

"How do you know the feeling isn't mutual?" England smirked, looking down at the shivering France.

"Angleterre... " the French nation whispered.

He was caught off by lips pushing softly onto his, gasping at the surprising action. His arms automatically moved towards England's neck, wrapping around them as their kiss was deepened by his movement. England pushed his body closer to Frances, pinning him to the ground. Just as England thought about using tongues, the need for air became to much and they both pulled away gasping for air.

"H-how come your kissing skills have never popped up in a conversation?" France asked, gulping greedily for air.

England rolled his eyes before capturing Frances lips again, this time with more passion. His tongue dragged itself along the Frenchman's lips, and grinned wolfishly when said country opened his mouth, allowing access. Their tongues danced a firey battle in their mouths, with England eventually winning. He moved his hands down to grip his new lovers hips to draw patterns on them, earning a moan.

France pulled away, licking up the string of saliva connecting their lips. "Not here Angleterre. My hotel is nearby. We can go there," he groaned, the bulge in his skinny jeans becoming extremely uncomfortable.

"Sounds good," England said in a deep, lusty tone.
Then the UK picked up France, and began to walk towards the hotel, already knowing the location. France squeaked rather cutely as the his legs were swept from underneath him.

'How did I get into this situation... Oh well, I'll just go with it' he thought, burying his head into the crook of England's neck.

I'm so proud of myself... Its bad, but better then the last one, but not a lot more. Don't worry, next chapter will probably be smut. Probably.

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