UKFr- You Love Me? Pt. 1

479 14 10

(this is horrible)

It was like any other meeting. Germany was yelling at Italy for bringing pasta to the meeting, America was proclaiming his heroism, Canada was being ignored, Russia was scaring the shit out of everyone, China was trying to lecture the other countries on manners and Japan was fangirling with Hungary over yaoi.

So normal was the meeting in fact, nobody even noticed the lack of a French and English accent yelling at each other.

Actually, England was nowhere to be seen, and as for France...

"This is such a bore... where is Angleterre? He is not usually so tardy... " the French Nation sighed to a nearby Canada.

"I'm not sure Papa... " the nation whispered, gazing glassy eyed at America.

" EVERYONE, SHUT UP! " screeched the voice of Germany, apparently having yelled at Italy enough, who was sulking in the corner.

All the countries complied.

" Lets start this meeting before I give up on it entirely, " he grumbled, visibly stressed after his screaming at Italy. He opened his mouth to say something, but then...

"Dudes, where is Iggy? I need to show him my plan to save the world!!! He would totally love it" a certain American yelled.

The other countries noticed the missing nation, and started to argue about where they thought he was.


The door opened, and England came in, looking irritated.

" Oh hello everyone . Am I late?" asked the Brit.

France looked at him before commenting "How ungentlemanly to be so late," while glaring at the Brit, challenging him to take the bait.

He ignored it.

He walked over to his seat beside Japan and sat down. He took out a book and flicked through the pages until his marked one was found.

France looked at him in amazement before opening his mouth to say something but then closing it again.

France sat down, still gazing at England shamelessly

"Vell, after zhat I hope we can continue zhe meeting in peace (?) "the German said, trying to break the newfound tension.

"Well of course we bloody can," muttered England, ignoring the stare France was giving him.

Then the American country shouted

"Hey France! You need to do that thing now!" while looking at the claimed country of love.




"If I may ask, what thing are you talking about," the Englishman inquired, a few other countries looking away from the resumed fighting to listen in on the Americans answer.

"Well, you see, France has begun to grow rather fond of - " began the former colony, but was cut off by France.

"Non!"  he cried, glaring at the American.

"What the bloody hell are you teo talking about

"Well, you see Iggy, our beloved Fra-" he started again, but then France clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Non! Don't you dare Amérique!" yelped France.

"What?" questioned the UK, looking more and more impatient by the second.

The United States of America, pulled the hand away, and started to say "Fra-" but was cut off again.

"Non!" France yelled, looking angry, and a bit scared.

"Oui," America grinned, resorting to the same language as the French nation.







France glared at the American, before shoving his hand over his mouth.

Then a certain Canadian yelled "Papa loves you Arther," grinning proudly as he did so.

"You traitor!" screeched France,pointing his finger at the offending Canada.

Canada smiled happily as his father glared at him.

He kept on staring at Canada, trying to ignore the amazed looked the other countries gave him.

Key word : tried.

"You love me?" the United Kingdom gasped, emerald eyes attempting to meet the sapphire orbs of the French nation.

"Sî, big brother loves you very much," North confirmed, back from his sulking.

The UK stared at everyone in amazement before groaning "Please tell me this is a joke,", laying his book mark on his page.

"Nope!" South cheerily said, in a uncharacteristically good mood.

"Fuck," moaned England, and with that France took off.

He ran out the door and charged outside, terrifying the receptionist as he flew out.

'He loves me back... Shit, now he's gone... ' thought the Brit, stuck to his seat as he looked at the open door.

Yes this sucks, but I redid it! Its slightly better now, but not much!

Hetalia Yaoi Oneshots (And A Couple Other Bits Of Crap) [On Hold] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora