We're doing what!!!

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As for the make-out session behind cabin 13, Nico played it off as if it was nothing later that day during dinner but I mean...I'd seen it with my own two eyes. There were feelings and raw emotions behind their motives. What motives? I'm unsure but there was definitely something there but I didn't want to push Nico nor did I want him to know I'd seen it all unfold. I'll have to tell him eventually I can't keep anything for Nico for too long.

As you can probably tell my past few weeks of existence have been nothing short of torturous! So while I'm terrified to hear of any prophecy that Rachel could potentially recite at any moment over the next few days. I can't bloody wait! I just want to have a ting portion of freedom. I hate this constant feeling of being caged. I mean even Meleager is being really protective of me and that's saying something good ol' model was created as a protective and territorial creature. It's very much in his nature. It's adorable though, he has developed his own way of protecting me. I've been sitting in this same spot in the shade of the big house for hours. While Mel has his body cocooned around me. His head resting on my lap with his big ocean blue eyes constantly staring between me and my stomach.

"Yes I know you're confused as too what's going on, but don't look at me like that. I'm just as clueless as you!" I muttered as I gently rubbed his head down towards his neck. He relaxes a little and grunted in content.

"What do you think they're gonna be a boy or a girl?" I questioned continuously stroking Mel's head as I stare into the distance glancing down to me the odd time to communicate with him in a way only we understood. Never tell me, but I'm glad I accidentally created him, he's a great friend not only to me. Especially while everyone is off training and I'm banned from all physically demanding aspects of camp life...which was pretty much everything at camp apart from meal times. So I sit around and mope a lot and think. I do a lot of thinking. Which probably isn't good for considering all I seem to think about are all the scenarios where we end up dying because of Hera's stupid plan.

Burning alive under the fiery breath of the hydra in excruciating pain as our flesh melts off our bones as they too proceed to turn to ash. Being squished under the feet of giant Cyclops who want to devour our flesh like its a nice juicy steak. Perhaps, drowning. Again. Drowning in the vast uncontrollable waters of the sea of monsters, or in the stomach acid of some underwater creature or giant. There are so many ways we could wind up dead. So many chanced where my child dies before it gets to see the light of day, breath its first breath, open its eyes to see me, no, its family for the first time, before it gets to take its first steps. There's just too much uncertainty and it's slowly driving me insane with worry. If it was just my life I wouldn't care. If it was just my life I'd fight tooth and nail to prove myself to my peers and the gods... but it's not just me. I'm carrying Nico's child. My child. I'm terrified to lose them or die before I get to meet them. I've gone soft. Even Mel has seen it, I've become just as much of a teddy bear at him. All soft and mussy on the inside. It's horrid how do the Aphrodite kids live like this. Being all sappy and gross all the time it's trying and frankly, it's boring. I want to have a sense of adventure again but I suppose that's not the worst thing in the world. Jn a few more months I'll get to be a mom. I never thought I wanted to be a bit now presented with the chance I can't wait. I've gone all material, I'm guessing here blessed me when she magically knocked me up. How charming. Remind me to have words with her after we manage to save her ass.

"Soph, come quick Chiron called a meeting. He said you're to get there as soon as possible" one of Leo's little sisters came running up to me, panting out of breath.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I questioned sitting up straight. I'm nearlly is one hundred per cent sure all colour drained from my face making me look as white as a ghost and sick with worry. There's only one reason Chiron would call me for anything right now.

"Rachel...vision...the...go to big house...meeting...the seven" she gasped from breath trying to explain what was going on.

"Lexi, breath. Now tell me why did Chiron send for me?" I questioned placing a hand on her shoulder hoping I'd gotten her name right.

"Rachel. Had a vision and gave a prophecy just as Hera has predicted to yous. Chiron called a meeting of all the cabin leaders and the seven. He even sent for the other from camp Jupiter. It looks serious." She managed to explain. The shock took over and I glance between the big house and her. Before standing up and running with all my might towards the big house.

"Thanks, Lexi!" I screamed back to her as I ran as my life depended on it...well in a way I guess it does.

"Good luck. Also, my name is Lillia" she laughed from behind me, clearly amused at my lack of simple comprehension under the circumstances. She knew not to start something especially figuring this was the defining moment. Where I'd find out if I got to live or die. If my child would live or die. My heart was literally jumping out of my chest. This was it. This was the pivotal moment of my life. Everything could go belly up within a matter of second.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon