I couldn't help but laugh, as Jack shouted, "I swear to god Trent, if you give me a wet wellie, I'll fuck you up."

"So which ones which?" I asked after a moment, curiously as the blonde haired stated with an infectious grin, "I'm Marcus. And that's Jeff. Trent's sitting on your pussy boyfriend."

"Fuck you!" Jack cried as they all laughed, "Well it's a pleasure boys, and although I like torturing my boyfriend as much as the next girl, could you maybe get off him? The only reason I date him is his face, and if you bruise it, I'm screwed."

They all laughed once more, at Jack's expense before a grunt was heard and Jack pushed his way into his seat.

Another guy, with messy black hair and Asian features popped up, as he waved with a smirk, "I'm Trent."

"Nice to meet you." I waved back before looking at Jack who apologised, "Sorry babe." The guys snickered at 'babe' as I shrugged, "It's fine, I had been wanting to meet your friends."

"They plague my life."

"I used to do that." I reminded him as he smiled cutely, "They don't look beautiful doing so..."

The guys then started to make 'aw-ing' and fan girl noises making me laugh and him roll his eyes.

Nan decided to walk into the kitchen where we were skyping and scold me, "Juliet, you need to stop stealing my pillows." A smile makes my way onto my lips, a cheeky one as my eyes follow Nan.

"They are so much more comfy though."

"That is no excuse, the next time you steal them, I will steal all your pants." She threatened, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge as I winked, "Ah, never bothered with them anyway. You can take them."

"You most certainly can not take my girlfriends pants. I've heard about the time she's been spending with Damon and although I trust her, and my vampire looking buddy, he can't look at her amazing ass if I can't," Nan jumped when Jack said this, looking around confusedly as his friends snickered around him.

I tucked hair behind my ear, and gestured to the laptop as Nan's lips parted in an 'O'.

She walked over and smiled fondly, "Jack, you look thin. Have you been eating?"

Her fondness grew into worry as I let out a soft sigh, glancing down to the laptop keys as Jack responded, although his eyes stayed on me the whole time.

"I've been eating more than I can take, but the epic snow ball fights I have been enduring, have been keeping me fit. You look beautiful Nan."

His friends high five at the mention of these snow ball fights, that Jack has told me about before.

He even showed me the massive bruise, when one of them masked a rock in a snowball and attacked Jack's stomach with it.

He just laughed and poked at it, making me squirm at my dislike of pain. It looked really painful.

She blushed naturally, as Jack winked, "So do you Juliet."

"Suck a dick Jack." I spluttered out between laughs, as his friends roared happily in the background, laughing at my burn.

Nan scolded me with a grin, slapping the back of my head, as Jack grinned also.

Still beautiful.

"Well, I have to go out for a bit. Juliet, Michael is coming over. Please don't get into a fight with him."

The mere mention of Michael made me scowl. Michael was Toby's cousin, a nosy 17 year old who I disliked with a passion. I didn't like him from the minute he walked in, he just executed arrogance and called me doll face.

Heck, We Are YoungWhere stories live. Discover now