Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.

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Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.

suicide__blonde - an amazing loyal sweet heart! (:

"So..." Jack wandered, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as the four of us sat in a booth, Jack beside me, and Sam opposite, with Luda also trying to strike a conversation between us. I am not perfect, I've had bitchy friends before. I have fought, glared and spat with a lot of different people, throughout high school. But to have my ex-best friend, glare at me with such vengeance, well it wasn't fun. But I didn't shrink back. I put on my best poker face and just gazed right back at her, although all I wanted to do was give her a hug and become friends again.

Does that make me pathetic?

That I'd rather allow my best - ex- best friend to bully me, than fight with her.

Probably, but I hated that we weren't talking.

"What have you guys been up to?" Luda asked politely, giving me a sympathetic glance and I was instantly reminded of running into him at Halloween. How sad was that, her boyfriend was trying to make me feel better. Apparently our five years had nothing on their 4 months.

Of course, neither one of the girls wanted to talk, so Jack replied, "We went hat shopping, Juliet reminded me of what a short ass she cou-" He was rudely cut off when Sam, abruptly stood, glaring daggers at me. I blinked slowly, keeping my expression neutral as her angry brown eyes flickered from me to Jack, "Excuse me, I need to use the girls room." She turned to Luda who jumped up, sliding out of the booth so she could stomp away and my eyes followed her slowly.

As soon as she left, it seemed the tension that was brought along as soon as we sat down, evaporated and I sagged my shoulders in exhaustion, holding my own against Sam was exhausting. I knew her too well, and she knew me too well, it was like Sherlock and Moriaty playing chess. But in this case, I didn't know who was the bad guy and who is in the good. I wanted to blame myself, and I did, but then, if she were to just, talk , to me. I dunno, maybe we'd get over this and I could tell her all abo- Wait no.

She doesn't want to listen to you. My subconscious who was annoyed with Sam and I let out a sigh of resignation, knowing what she said was partly true.

"How are you holding up?"

"The urge to puke has faded." I replied quietly, running a hand through my hair messily before pulling it into a pony tail of exasperation. Yes, I was just that awesome that my pony tail spelt, exasperation. Jack frowned but nodded, his eyes showing concern and before I knew it, he had a hand wrapped around my shoulders, comforting me. Luda smiled at me helplessly, "I love her. I can't talk bad about her, or choose your side. I think it's all just a mis-understanding."

"I could explain it, if she would just let me." I tell him truthfully and Jack's grip tightens, my body slides closer to his warm soft cotton t-shirt, I glance at him and notice the way his jaw is tight and his eyes are annoyed. I know what he's thinking. He doesn't believe I need to explain. He's made it adamant that he thinks Sam is in the wrong, in fact, more than once I've heard him scoff every time Sam threw him a glare. But of course he doesn't say anything, unlike other hot heads, Jack is the type that is silent. He broods, he broods mysteriously and just intimidates people, hell that cute gorgeous boy can be thrown away the minute his eyes are burning with anger.

And it was sad to say, that I thought it was the most sexiest thing ever.

Sometimes, I just wanted to made Jack angry on purpose, to get him looking like a bad boy.

What can I say, I love me a bad boy.

Damien Salvator = Yummy.

"She's stubborn, just give her some more time. I think she is embarrassed at the way she talked to you that night."

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