A 'Sick' Shower

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Chapter Eight

A 'Sick' Shower

I was curled up in my Nan’s couch, which had been my bed for three weeks, coughing up my lungs in pain.  I groaned and sniffled, feeling absolutely horrible and sticky from sickness. It had been two days since the party and I had encountered the plague.

Or for you less dramatic people out there, the flu.

I also had been avoiding Jack for these two days, considering we kissed, twice and the last look he gave me was one of pure want. I didn’t trust myself around him, so I had to get back into my routine and if I avoided sexy Canadians for a week or two, Jack and I could forget about the alcoholic mistake that took place in the closet.

You didn’t drink my subconscious smirked at me as I glared at her, ignoring her smart ass comment. When the doorbell chimed through my house, the sound that left my lips in response was similar to a llama that was giving birth. I pulled my body from the longer, wrapping the thick blanket supplied by my worried Nan, around my shivering body and trudged over groggily to the door.

I pulled it open to see Sam’s pretty sympathetic face, standing before me with a white grocery bag. I blinked and yawned, my throat dry and clogged, “Hey.”

“You look disgusting.”

“Thanks.” I said sarcastically back as she giggled, holding out the bag of mystery, “I got noodles, and chocolate.” I beamed at her and snatched the bag, looking at the contents in happiness.

“I swear I love yo- Why are you looking at me like that?” I changed my statement after I saw the guilty look upon her tan perfect face, making me narrow my eyes at her. She swallowed nervously, and replied, “I can’t stay for long… I have cheer-leading auditions today.”

I already knew that she was going to leave soon after she stopped by, we always did that for each other; look after each other when either one of us were sick. But I wasn’t bothered by it, so I just smiled at her gratefully, “its fine Sam, I don’t mind, I’m just glad you came by.”

“Yeah… about that... ha-ha... I didn’t come alone… exactly.” She bit her lip nervously as I raised my eyebrow, “Oh yeah? Who’d you bring?”

“I brought… Jack.” As soon as she said it, my heart painfully and harshly thumped in my chest, my skin tingled and my mind purposely played flashbacks of our closet time.  Then the rest of my body did the only thing I could think of doing, I slammed the door on her face and waddled back to my lounge.

“Juliet! Come on!” She banged on the door as I fell to the sofa and turned the T.V on, turning on my side to watch some Japanese game show.

Why would she bring Jack?

I feel terrible, I smell and god knows what my hair looks like.

My subconscious smiled widely at my girly thoughts before I added nervously, and I don’t like him…

Sure you don’t.

I do not like Jack.

“Juliet!” She shouted again as I opened my chocolate, taking a tiny bite and stretching my back slightly. I heard the door creak open as I rolled my eyes, the door was open this whole time, god loves my best friend.

I subconsciously pulled my hair up into a messy bun, to make it look like I meant to have it looking like a rats nest. She entered, frowning at the door and my heart nearly stopped beating when he entered his hair fluffy and screaming adorable, his light tanned strong frame and his beautiful green light eyes, framed by a set of thick eyelashes complementing his pink lips dying to be kissed.

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