Our New Year

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Our New Year

I was avoiding Jack. Granted, I could only do one day of avoiding since he was leaving in two days and I promised I would go with him to the airport.

Nan was pestering me about what was wrong, she followed me around and begged for me to answer the phone when Jack called which was a lot for one day.

He even came by the house and the conversation was very interesting;

Jack : "Juliet! Open the damn door!"

Me : "..."

Jack : "I know your there, Nan and I collaborated."

Me : "For Christ's sake Nan."

Nan : "You both need to talk!"

Jack : "I agree."

Me : "Well if you want to talk so much, do it with each other because I'm tired and I'm hurt, and I want to be left alone!"

Nan : "Juliet-"

Me : " Jack. I haven't forgotten. I'll still go to the airport with you, just let me be until then." Then without another word I shut my bedroom door and continued to ignore them both.

I knew I was being stupid and Jack didn't mean to hurt my feelings but being rejected by someone I really care about hurt too much.
Part of me wanted to go and apologize but Sam's words hit too close to home. It was stupid of me to believe once again Sam says. I overthink things and I'm too busy worrying about what other people think about me then what I think of myself.

What if Jack and I aren't as serious as I think, he might just forget all about me and I care about him too much to let that happen, but then again what choice do I have.

I still don't understand how a guy like Jack can like a girl me. And now that Sam has said all those things, my insecurities have doubled.

So that whole day was basically spent in my room, huddled under a sea of blankets, watching movie after movie.


On the second last day, Nan came sweeping into my room and proclaimed loudly.

"We are going out to dinner tonight."

"We are?" I asked dryly, slightly amused at her flamboyant behaviour. I know I looked like crap, I had just finished watching Titanic and that shit gets to me.

My eyes were puffy, and I had runny nose, my cheeks sticky with warm tears. She glanced at the T.V before sniffling herself, "Too soon."

"Nan. It's been five years." I can't help but smile at her behaviour. Nan watched Titanic for the first time five years ago, when I specifically told her it was worse than Romeo and Juliet.

Now she's acting like I act when somebody mentions 'The Fault In Our Stars'. That book emotionally scarred me.

Too soon indeed.

"Not long enough, anyway..." She beamed at me and did an extravagant bow, "I have booked us in for the Italian restaurant we always pass but never go into."

"That's a fancy place."

"Only the best for two beautiful goddesses! Now get up, I want to put hot rollers in your hair." She claps and I blanche, "Nan I'm not feeling well. Is it possible you can move the reservation?"

"No! Juliet! You look like shit. Terrible really. You need to go and get pretty. You saw Toby's reaction when he saw you." She cringed as I sat up, "I'm sure he just ran away screaming because he saw a spider or something..."

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