-"If you say so."- He says with a light pink color on his cheeks. I nod and turn to Jeffred's father, who seemed to be so angry that steam might start to come out of his ears soon.

-"Well Mr. Lighx, this is your lover?"- Reverend Lighx asks, trying to murder me with his gaze. Jeff smiles as he lifts his head up from my body.

-"Yes Reverend Lighx, this is my lover, Allison Stelliar."- Jeff replies, taking my hand in his. I smile, watching his father's reaction. He looks like he wants to rip our heads off.

-"Oh. This is the boy we told you to stay away from when you were a child, and NO, you had to disobey me. Then you became friends, then best friends, and at last become his little whore. You are a disgrace and a SLUT Jeffred!"- Jeffrenia yells and storms out of there the room, cursing her son's name. Jeff holds my hand tightly in his, signaling his hurt.

-"You are in deep trouble Jeffred. Don't expect anything good form this."- Reverend Lighx says and goes back to his designed place. Jeff shakes beneath me, knowing he indeed was in the deepest of trouble.

-"Well then, I call this Assembly to an end. Therefore, this Council is officially over."- Alexandrian says, slamming the hammer on the table. Everybody rushes out of the room, not daring to look back. It's like if they all knew what was going to happen to Jeffred. And whatever is it, it certainly can't be good.

*Hours later, Jeff's P.O.V*
I slowly walk towards my chamber, knowing that my mother and father were going to be in there, ready to chop my head off if I don't do what they want me to. I'm dead, I'm sure of it. I knock on the door after starring in front of of it for approximately 15 minutes, debating with myself.

-"Come in."- I hear my father's voice say, anger still in it. Oh Lord, I'm so dead now. I open the door and step inside the room, hoping that I'd live long enough to get married. I see my parents sitting in my bed, both looking so serious that their gazes could shatter glass into pieces. I stand in front of them, not finding my voice.

-"Jeffred, darling, why are you doing this? You're a beautiful man, rich, and the Heir to a throne, why waste your life like this? Please my boy, call off the wedding."- My mother pleads, her gaze becoming softer and kinder. I laugh in the inside, seeing how hard she was trying to lick my ass. Sorry Mom, not working.

-"I'm sorry Mother, but I will not call off my wedding with Allison."- I reply, trying not to loose my focus. My mother sighs and rises from the bed. She walks towards the door and says before leaving the room:

-"You handle him Jeffred, you know him better than I do."- She exits, leaving an air of suspense in the room. Father stands and signals me to sit down on the bed. I reluctantly do so, getting a bad feeling about our position. Father turns around and snaps his finger. Okay, that's creepy. A moment later, a tall person comes into the room. I say tall, but they can't be more than 6ft in height. I take a good look at the person and realize in horror that he is the guy that had been after me ever since I was a young boy. At first, I enjoyed being around him, but when we both became teenagers, he began to get too close. He sat closer, walked closer, tried everything to make me fall for him. He was the one who stole my first kiss, but never told anyone. I was okay with him, until he raped me in the boy's locker room.

*Years ago, Jeff's P.O.V, in the boy's locker room*
I was changing my clothes when my best friend wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to his body.

-"Dude, let go. I need to finish changing."- I whine, trying to get loose from his grip. He tightens it as one of his hands grope my manhood through my trousers, sending a sensation of fear throughout my body.

-"No, you need to start moaning!"- Andrex pushed me back to lay down on the bench I was sitting on, my back against the cold metal. My eyes widen.

-"Andrex! What are you doing? Get off me!"- I say, placing my hands in his chest, pushing him away from me. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head, tying them with some rope. Then, he parts my legs open and ties my ankles to the bench as well,removing my underwear before hand. This asshole is going to rape me.

-"I can't hold myself back anymore Jeffred, I need to have you before somebody else does, before Allison gets his prize."- Andrex whispers, his fingers teasing my virgin entrance.

-"But I don't love you Andrex, you're just a friend. I love Allison, not you Andrex!"- I scream, struggling against my bonds. I don't understand you Andrex, why are you doing this?

-"I not know why you love him. He's never been there for you, and I have. Why do you love him Jeffred? Tell me!"- He yells, slapping my cheek, leaving it bright red.

-"Because he loves me for who I really am, and he's never going to hurt me the way you have."- Andrex snorts.

-"How can you be sure of that?"- I hold my left hand up to show Andrex the ring I had in my ring finer. The look on Andrex's face is scary. He looks as if he might murder me right now.

-"By this. We tested ourselves Andrex, and we passed. There's nothing you can do about it."- Andrex smirks.

-"Not about that, but I can about this!"- He says before slamming his manhood inside of me, causing me to feel pain beyond what I could possibly handle.

End of chapter 10
Mystery Nerd2019

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