Chapter Thirteen - Point and Shoot - (Hunter's POV)

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"You're back, sir." She said standing up a little straighter.

I smiled at Aurora. She was my favorite of all the pack members, outside of my family. She was very respectful and though she was nervous quiet often around me, she followed orders with out complaint. She was the perfect loyal werewolf. And the girl could fight like a warrior. She's been trained in hand-to-hand combat and in firearms. That was before she was turned. And that was her advantage and lost. She was turned, not born like the rest of us. And I guess that's kind of why she's my favorite. Because we could relate on a certain level. We were both cursed.

"So, how has everything gone?" I asked.

"Just fine, sir. We weren't attacked while you where away. Did you get any closer to finding the rouges, sir?" She asked.

I sighed, "No. We are to set off again in a few days. But um, Molly ... is no longer with us. She left." I said. Aurora's eyes turned into ones of worry and sadness.

"I'm sorry. But, if I may ask. How is Damon doing?" She asked.

"I really don't know. He's been preparing himself for her leaving but, I think he still wasn't really ready." I answered. The rest of the pack kind of bowed there heads and we all just let the feeling sink in. There wasn't much anyone could do at this point. "Digressing forward, we need to plan to give Alex some sort of protection for himself. We don't know who we're dealing with or how many we might find along the way. And even though Damon and I will protect him with our lives, Alex shouldn't be completely defenseless."

"I could teach him combat skills, sir." Aurora suggested.

"Okay." I sighed before thinking over this quickly. "And ... show him how to use a gun. Me and Damon have one packed for the emergency case. But I think that Alex will need it more that we would."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I responded. "That's finale." I looked towards Skye. He looked up, a little startled. His shaggy brown hair hanging in his blue eyes. His band sweater was just a size too big and covered half his hands as he stuck them in his skinny jean pockets. "You'll teach him how to make the special bullets, Skye." he nodded and dismissed himself to prepare.

Skye may not look like much, or stay anything often, but he was an advance science student. He's made many things to help us with situations in the pass.

I sighed as I closed the meeting with orders of my return with Alex later and how we would ease him into this. My head was pounding and I really couldn't come to terms with what I just ordered. How could I allow Alex to even hold a gun, much less shoot it?! Maybe I should just call it off. But I know I can't always be there to protect him and I was already back home. The shiny vibrant red door once again greeting me with concern. But I just by passed it, growling at its mockery.

Walking up to my room I was greeted with the last thing I needed to see. Damon and Alex. They weren't doing anything but talking ... and holding hands. But the longer I stood there unnoticed the more my jealousy and grief started to take over me. Why wasn't I the one Alex woke up to? Why is Damon making Alex smile like that? Why wasn't Alex mine?!

"Damon." I growled out. The two jumped at my voice.

"Hunter!" Alex said. But I wasn't focused on Alex. I couldn't blame Alex for anything. Really, I couldn't blame Damon either but I couldn't see anything but red.

"Anger Room. Now." I spat out before slamming my door. I stalked down stairs and into the Anger Room, ignoring my mothers pleads for me to stop slamming doors as my father was sleeping. But I was too far gone in my raging jealously to even think. I was always just the kid in the shadows while Damon got everything. I was the one who got cursed, the one who got shamed and was the cause of my family's down fall. But not Damon. Damon was to be the new alpha and make the pack stronger than ever. He got to have all that time with Alex while I just hid behind closed doors. He got everything.

My Gift and My Curse [BoyxBoy Werewolf]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat