The Peculiars Playing Minecraft

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What if, in modern-day, the peculiars have their own Minecraft server. And they Raid the Village in there, like, all the time, because they can't do it outside the loop. (Except Emma. She just logs off whenever somebody brings it up.)

And Enoch would collect zombie villagers, and revive them, and Olive would do creative mode so she can fly (or use the elytra? I'm a little behind on updates, so I'm not totally sure how that works). Emma would always keep flint-and-steel in her hotbar, Fiona would have a MASSIVE garden where everybody gets their food. Millard would use invisibility potions all the time, so he would be super good at killing mobs. Jacob would also be good at killing mobs, but wouldn't need the invisibility potion to do it. Olive and Claire would build this beautiful house for themselves and Bronwyn, and Horace would probably make a fancy one for himself, too. Hugh would just run around killing pigs and stuff and Millard would yell at him because YOU CAN'T JUST KILL ALL OF THEM YOU HAVE TO LEAVE AT LEAST TWO THIS IS HOW IT WORKS HUGH EVERYONE KNOWS THAT and if Olive or Claire ever got killed by a mob or something, Bronwyn would KICK ITS VOXELATED ASS. And when some of the boys start griefing, Bronwyn would whip out a diamond sword and be like "I'M GONNA F****** KILL YOU, AND I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE okay sorry sorry I got carried away I won't hurt anybody."

I just thought of that. They would be fun to play with.

- MidgeTheSmidge 🔨 (Kinda-sorta a pickaxe or something?)

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