Random Thought I had About the New Trilogy

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This story contains spoilers for those who have not read Library of Souls. Read ahead at your own risk.

I just had a random thought. I've been sort of wondering what will happen with the new trilogy in terms of plot - you know, what would cause the peculiars to have to go on another adventure - and I remembered Ken (Kim).

(Bear with me - I don't have LoS on me right now, so I'm improvising.)

So, remember the guy who worked with Bentham - helped him look for evidence of loop entrances in Siberia, operated his hollow-juicing part of the Panloopticon - I'm 99% sure his name was Ken. (Knowing my brain, it was probably Steve or something, but I'm going with Ken for now 😂)

Apparently his name was Kim. I need to start looking this stuff up 😂

Anyway, after Caul and Bentham and the Library of Souls all collapse with the loop, this guy Kim is nowhere to be found. I remember Miss Peregrine says something along the lines of, "If anybody sees him, tell and ymbryne. He might be dangerous." (And then Enoch's all like, "Tell an ymbryne? Doesn't she realize that we saved them?" Sorry, getting off topic here.) Anyways, that was never really brought to a conclusion.

What if Kim was a wight-sympathizer, and he fled Devil's Acre after Caul's downfall, and he's going to be the new villain in the series? (Or any other wight-sympathizer, for that matter - it was mentioned that there were many ambro-addicts and other people who fled Devil's Acre as well.)

Just a theory...

- MidgeTheSmidge

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