Conspiracy Theory (Sort Of)

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I just realized something. Ransom has been famously tweeting all these things about how he loves the movie, trying to convince us it's not a total trainwreck, right? I always assumed he's just dealing with the fact that they botched his masterpiece because he's getting a lot of Royalties from the movie, but what if that's not really the reason?

Think about how many people don't like to read, and would rather watch the movie and never read the book? With most movie adaptations, it's basically the same thing, right? You get the gist from watching the movie, and you don't have to deal with the strenuous mental work of READING.

Anyway, I'm sure there are a lot of people like that that have watched the Miss Peregrine movies, and are thinking the same thing: "Why waste my time reading the book if I've just seen the movie? It's basically the same thing; I don't need to see it twice." Now think about all of us hardcore book-puritans who have been freaking out over the movie, and telling everybody they know to JUST READ THE BOOKS BECAUSE THEY'RE SO MUCH BETTER!! (I know not everybody who read the books first is like that, but let's face it - a lot of us are.)

Now, if there's enough crazy book-nerds who insist that the books are radically different from the movie, and that you seriously NEED to read them, some people might actually be convinced to read the books, even those who wouldn't have otherwise done so. And now Ransom's making a crap-ton of money from not only movie-Royalties, but book-Royalties, as well.

Maybe that's the real reason he's been so "okay" with this movie butchering the series he's spent so many years on. Maybe he was just trying to draw more "non-reader" people in to read his books. If that's the case, I have to give the guy some credit - it's a smart business move.

Just something that occurred to me.

 - MidgeTheSmidge

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