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"what do you mean 'she's gone'?"

seulgi took a deep breath and stared at the 2 boys in front of her.

"she left with joy not too long ago. they were planning on getting something to eat and going to the mall."

jungkook's shoulder slumped down.

"do you know where they went?"

seulgi thought for a moment. she knew joy was planning on taking yeri to her favorite restaurant, the 0000 restaurant, near the 0000 mall. she didn't think she should share this with jungkook. she didn't want yeri to start crying in public, possibly risking a scene to be captured by the paparazzi.


"oh, come on, noona. i'm sure you know somewhere they would go."

"no, jungkook, i don't."

jungkook frowned. he need to get to her. he needed to explain himself. jimin, watching his best friend become more and more deflated, decided to step in.

"let me handle this, kook."

jungkook slowly nodded, moving out of the way so jimin could talk to seulgi.

"don't you see he's trying to fix this situation? please, just help us."

he stared into seulgi's eyes so intensely that she started to blush. she broke the eye contact and looked down.

"i-i told y-you. i don't know."

jimin smirked at her shy state. he reached up and placed his fingers around her chin, making her look back up at him. her cheeks turned even more red, if that was possible. he leaned in closer and her eyes grew wide.

"i'm sure you know where they went. maybe we can come to a compromise."

"they went to the 0000 restaurant, near the 0000 mall complex."

seulgi replied to him in defeat. whenever he got near her, her heart started beating like crazy and her legs would turn into jello. he was her one weakness.

jimin smiled at her in return.

"thanks, noona. call me."

and with that, he gave her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the apartment with jungkook. seulgi just stayed at the doorway, unable to move.

"aish, park jimin. you're such a flirt."

but she smiled as her hand reached up to the place jimin's lips were a moment ago.


hahaha jimin is such a flirt. okay i know this is a jungri fanfic, but seulmin is my otp, how could i not add a dash of them in here?? i'm planning for the next chapter to be the last chapter, sadly, but it will be long and hopefully cute. and probably cheesy. anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!


timberlandsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon