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"thanks again for the food, jeon."

"it was all my pleasure, rim."

she smiled as they continued walking through the park. it was a beautiful night and the starts shined brightly.

"wow, daebak. the sky is so pretty."

she gazed lovingly at the sky. it was nice to be out for once. it had been a while since she was able to explore korea on her own since she had a comeback with red velvet.



"could you sing for me? i love hearing your voice."

"right now?"

"yes, please."

he chuckled and tried thinking of a song.

"okay, i have a song in mind."

they took a seat on a park bench and yeri snuggled up closer to jungkook, resting her head on his shoulder. he began to sing softly to her.

yeri smiled as she closed her eyes and listened to his voice. he sure had some vocals. he finished and looked at the small girl resting on his shoulder. he smiled. she fell asleep. he knew from previous experiences that she was a tough one to wake up, so he decided to bring her to her dorm.

he thought it over and realized he didn't know where her dorm was. he carefully took her cellphone and went through her contacts. as he was trying to remember one of her members' names(so he could find their number), he glanced out of the corner of his eye, my jeon♡. he smiled, looking at the sleeping girl. he remembered one of the names and quickly called.

"yah! yeri, where are you?!"

jungkook held the phone away from his ear as the screaming had been so loud.

"uh, this is jungkook."

"jungkook? like jeon jungkook? as in bts jungkook? as in the guy yeri is in lo-i mean friends with?"

"yeah, i just wanted to treat yeri to some food and afterwards, she fell asleep."

"oh, i see."

"i was planning on bringing her back, but i realized i didn't know your address."

"oh, right. we live in the 0000 apartment complex. we live on the 5th floor, apartment 5C."

"okay, thank you! i'll have yeri home in a bit."

"no problem, just be careful with our little yerim, please."

"will do, seulgi noona. and i'll let jimin hyung know you said hi."


jungkook quickly hung up. he glanced at yeri and decided to give her his jacket. it was too cold outside for the clothes she was wearing. he put his jacket on her and picked her up bridal style and began walking out of the park.

he called a taxi and quickly got in, making sure not move too much so that yeri wouldn't wake up. he glanced down at the girl in his arms. when asleep, she looked at peace. jungkook wondered how a human being could be so beautiful.

the taxi stopped and claimed that were at the apartment complex that red velvet dorms in. he quickly paid and thanked the driver and got out, again making sure not to wake yeri.

he walked in to the complex and got into the elevator. he realized again how light she was, and it bothered him. maybe he'll talk to her manager. she was perfect the way she was and she didn't need to go on a diet.

the elevator doors opened up and he stepped out, searching for her dorm. he quickly found it and knocked on the door. he glanced at her one last time before the door opened.

he saw irene, the group leader.

"thank you for bringing her home."

"yeah, it's no problem."

"can you bring her to her room? i'm afraid all of us are to weak to carry her."

"oh, yeah, sure."

she let him in, and glanced around at the small dorm. it was like theirs but smaller, probably because bts had more members.

"this way."

she led him to the room that she shared with joy. he assumed since joy was in one bed, that the other was yeri's. he placed her down, and covered her with the blanket.

he sighed.

he needed to confess.

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