Chapter Thirteen: Royal Strife

Start from the beginning

The women bring me in front of one of the mirrored doors. At first I feel like I'm looking through a window, but the girl in front of me does everything I do.

My eyes look bigger than ever and my cheeks glow, not only with a light dusting of blush, but also with sparkling highlights on top of my cheekbones. My lips look full, young, and glossy. Mirra did something to my hair so it looks wavy, and Simmy sits a glittering headband on top.

The dress is a warm rosy color—not too pale or bright—so it complements my tan skin and dark hair. It's hard to look at myself at first, but once I see how perfectly the dress fits, I can't look away. I hop and dance in place at my reflection.

"I'm so cute!"

"Prince Jaysonn has some difficult competition this time," Simmy says.

I wouldn't call myself beautiful. I still don't think I look like Saei, but I can't deny that I look adorable. "I look like a fairy princess!"

They laugh with me as they escort me down to the banquet hall. It's a good thing I have them with me, because I still don't think I can use the tele-sphere without ending up somewhere I shouldn't be.

As soon as they've escorted me, they curtsy and leave again.

This new hall is bright white, and a melody dances along the walls from the room at the end. It sounds like others have arrived before me.

My two-inch heels click as I walk down the hall. Halfway through, Gediyon walks toward the other end. He's changed into a dark suit and his hair isn't braided, but tied back loosely with silver twine. I run after him and yell, "Gediyon!"

He turns around and smiles. I can't help but think that he looks even more attractive in his suit, like a magician ready for the stage. With his hair pulled back like this, I can see piercings on each ear. A bead as red as his eyes dangles from his left ear.

"Why, good evening, Michelle! You look very pretty."

"And you look super hot! Who knew a sweetie like you could have a bad boy side? Where did you get all those piercings?"

He touches the bead on his left ear but still doesn't know how to reply to me.

I change the topic. "Jayse and I are competing to see who can come to dinner prettiest."

He nods. "Then you've won."

"Did you even see him yet?"

He laughs and shakes his head. In his right hand, he holds a small, brown leather book and I ask him what it is.

"Gare found it for me," he says. "It's my mother's recipe book."

Why would he bring a recipe book to dinner? Maybe he just didn't have time to go back to his room and put it away. But what was Gare doing with it?

As we walk down the hall, I tell him about my afternoon, and he tells me that he's to leave in the morning for MediscusHeights. I'm about to ask him if I can go with him, but someone waits for us at the end of the hall.

A girl holds a silver tray of frosty glasses. She curtsies, keeping all of the glasses upright, and greets us, "Right this way, Miss Goddess and Sir Gediyon."

As soon as Gediyon takes a glass, I take one as well. The water is flavored with some kind of herb that makes it even more refreshing, like cucumber mint water.

"Thank you," Gediyon says. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before."

She curtsies again. "My name is Kalei, at your service, sir. I began work here in the kitchens just the other day."

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