Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"It's official, Christmas is the best time of the year" I sigh as I walk Storm down the pathway to the lake.

"You're only saying that because that's the day Storm became yours" Scarlett laughs from atop of her mount Major. He arrived well before Christmas as well as Star, but we've been so busy I haven't taken a proper good look at them since they got here.

"True, you got me" I said as I put my hands up in surrender. What mum had told me on Christmas Day was true, she went in on buying Storm alone. She payed for him and got all his things included. He was more expensive then expected as mum was in a mini bidding war with some other parents. Also I have all his stuff we won at the state qualifiers now which is amazing. Dad wasn't to happy but since when has he ever been lately?

When ever they have a fight now I convince her to come to Bluestone with me and ride Storm. That usually helps a lot. After becoming an equestrian I guess you can never really get rid of the horse bug.

I've also asked her if I can ride again, which she luckily for me, she said yes to. So now I can ride in peace with the girls, I would've told her I've been riding well before that but she doesn't need that kind of stress right now. She already has a husband to worry about so she doesn't need to worry that her kid won't listen to her. Hailey kept her promise too.

"I think Star prefers Christmas as well" Mia says.

"Your comparing me to a horse..?" I ask amused.

"Well she gets lots of treats around Christmas time so yeah, I'm comparing you to a horse" she giggles. Scarlett jokingly rolls her eyes at Mia.

"Am I the only one that truly finds this weird" Emily says from beside me. Yeah that's right, her and Scarlett finally get along now. Emily is also letting us keep our horses with Merlin in his massive paddock. When ever we want to go jumping we ride over to Bluestone on the horses and then ride back. It really helps their endurance to, however I'm still stuck with flat work because jumping is to much stress on my ankle. Next week I may be able to start jumping though, and the week after on Friday we'll be going back to EFA. This was an extremely exciting time of the year.

"Oh trust me, if you think this is weird just wait until you hear her at school" Scarlett responds.

"Oh my goodness" I laugh.

Storms ears prick up and raises his head when he hears me. He glances around at the scenery when we come to a stop by the lake. It was starting to get melted patches in it lately since we've had warmer weather. However it should be good in Florida with it's warm weather.

"I would love to see the lake in summer" Mia sighs.

"It's great all the people from school come down during summer break and jump into it off the pier" Emily sighs.

"That'll be the only time you see Emily get in 'polluted water', as she calls it" I add amusedly.

"It's the truth" she defends.

"Sure thing princess" I torment.

"I am not a princess" she pouts.

"What ever helps you sleep at night" I retort, Emily lightly slaps me on the arm and I laugh at the terrible attempt of a hit. She's never been a violent type.

"I don't think this view will ever get old" Mia ponders.

"It's really beautiful here" Scarlett adds breaking her silence as the sun rises upon the horizon.

The clouds dotted in the sky were all different colours. Storm paws at the ground before throwing his head up and neighing. It echoed through the valley's surrounding the lake.

For the first time ever, I realise how lucky Storm and I are that we get to continue our journey together.

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