Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Absolutely not" were the first words that left my mothers mouth that night.

"Why not, it's a genius idea" I said defensively putting my dinner plate in the dishwasher.

"Taylor, I said no, no means no, end of discussion" she repeats.

"But mum! If we don't do this then Mia has to go up to Canada and not have any sort of access to riding, she'll be stuck with her evil cousin who hates her. And we'll be lucky if she doesn't come back looking like a cave woman!!!" I cry.

"And don't forget she won't have time to take care of her hair, would you want split ends for 6 weeks straight, and don't forget she attends one of the most prestigious schools in America, she'll be kicked out the minute she gets on campus" I add trying to dramatise it as much as possible.

"Taylor I'm sure she'll be fine" mum says trying to remain calm.

"But the hair mum" I said pouting.

"Remember year 5 camp, I was gone for a week and remember what my hair was like when I came back? And that only took a week, imagine 6 weeks" I add crossing my arms.

"Don't remind me!" mum says shaking her head grimacing.

"And don't forget Scarlett, being all alone, away from her horses which are the most important things in her life, getting French manicures alone, and don't forget Christmas next Sunday, she'll be on a plane thinking about what Mia and I are doing without her" I said shaking my head sadly. Dam girl, I should do theatre.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll talk to Jessica and Sierra" mum finally gives in, well that was easy.

"Times ticking mum" I said crossing my arms again.

"Don't push it Taylor" she says looking at me sternly.


The phone only gets half way through the first ring before someone answers my call.

"Taylor what did your mum say! Ours said yes but only if your parents are happy to have us" Mia says immediately.

"I'm sorry Mia"

"Awe, she said no didn't she?" Mia said, I could hear Scarlett's voice in the back ground.

"But your just going to have to deal with me annoying crap out of you for the next 6 weeks, good luck" I said before hanging up on her.

And that's how it's done. Deciding to be the fabulous person I am I decide to ignore all the calls I'm getting and just read the texts Mia is sending me. Obviously I'm not going to respond because like I just hung up on her...

Hm, what do I do now?


Hi all, thank you so much for all your comments and positive feedback, I really appreciate the support!

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