#7 The Heart brake.

Start from the beginning

“Assembly is dismissed.” I command and as I turn around I find Stella snuggling with my mate and laughing about something. 
Really there was an important matter in hand and this is what he is doing? 

The only good part is that my mate seems like he wants to be anywhere but not with her.  He keeps on looking straight at me and continues to nod at whatever she is saying but still he does not provide any resistance to her while she is snuggling close to him.

‘But it's our decision not to be his Luna, can you blame him?’ Lina asks as realization sets deep in me and I lower my gaze and step away from the platform towards the pack house. 

I am not staying here for long my mate hasn't given me permission. So I will deal with pack problems for while I am here. 

“Ava” Mischa calls me as I turn around to find her standing behind me out of breath. She must have been running behind me. 
“Damn women you are good” she squeals hugging me. I smile and return her hug.

“Being a commander, I have to be strong” I answer as she nods.

My mate and Stella stroll behind her and come towards us. 

“Where are we going to stay?” my mate asks, his one hand is around Stella's waist and I find my eyes travelling again and again only at his hand, glaring. He looks unfazed and gives me a bored look.

"Yes come with me.”

I take them with me as my beta shows others of Elias’s pack members their rooms. 

Mischa demands sharing room with me as she wants to spend some time with me. I show Stella her room which is on the lower level and Elias’s room is on my wing. 

“No, we will share the room” Stella comments smugly as I show her the room slowly draining my patience.

I look at my mate to meet his poker face. He does not react and I feel my heart free falling in my stomach.

I give them a halfhearted smile and nod and leave them to their room as I quickly step away from them and practically run towards my room, trying my best not to cry. 

It's not his mistake, it's me. But still it hurts. Why am I trouble attracting magnet? Have I been normal, it would have been me there! 

I feel someone placing their hand on my shoulder and I turn to find Mischa smiling softly at me.

“You want to talk?” She asks as she settles down beside me.

I shake my head as I turn towards her smiling.

“Give up the act Ava, you are anything but happy” she scolds glaring at my fake smile.

“I don't know the reason why you don't want to be the Luna, but as much as I get you there must be a strong reason. I won't ask you if you don't feel comfortable, but I want you to know that I am here for you.” 
And this time I actually smile as she holds me to her.

“Movie marathon?” She chirps suddenly making me look up at her. This girl is weird. She changes like weather. At least she recovered my mood. 

The next morning I wake up to the birds chirping. I get up and look at my side, Mischa sleeping soundly with a popcorn bucket placed carelessly on the bed. This girl is ridiculously weird. I shake my head smiling; I throw the bucket and walk out of my room towards the practice ground. 

It's very early in the morning thus it’s still dark outside. But it's perfect time for me to practice. I am a morning person and I value time. I don't like wasting even a second. As it's said, even an inch of time cannot be bought by an inch of gold.

Today I will have to return back to my mate's pack till he takes a decision about me. The idea of seeing him with other women hurts me but I know it's for the best. I can't have a mate that will bring disaster to him. 

During my practice, I suddenly feel the burning sensation again on my birth mark.
My birthmark is on the upper left side of my right elbow. It is a small circle with a little symbol in it. A crescent moon circled by a 'chain' pattern. For past eighteen years I haven't been able to decipher the meaning of this symbol and I am still trying. The burning sensation leaves it itching behind. I don't know why it is happening like this suddenly?

By the time I finish practicing the sun has come up reflecting a soft light with heat enough to soothe your mind and soul.
I inhale sharply the cool breeze relaxing my body and then I feel it. 

I feel someone looking at me. By the time I turn back there was no one but the lingering scent gives away who the mystery person was. 

I sigh; Elias and I are not possible without lot of drama and trouble that I'm not ready for.

#80 in werewolf from past two days? Woah! Am I happy?
Oh yeah, I am!!
Thankyou everyone who is reading this, yes, you, the reader. You are awesome! :*

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