Chapter 15 -- Drop us in traffic

Start from the beginning

"I'm here to help you get back home. That's what I heard you needed, anyways." His smooth voice is oddly comforting.

Jonas and I take a glance at each other. What's his angle?

Crossfire sighs and looks over his shoulder, "Come on, I'll get you out of here and tell you what's going on."

I'm all for going home, especially faster than I would've gone. Jonas pleads with me with his eyes not to say yes. Of course, I can't read minds, so what he's implying is shrugged off.

"What's going on?" I ask Crossfire. I witness Jonas internally screaming at me in the corner of my eye.

Crossfire huffs, "I'm not going to hurt you!" He whisper yells. "Just say yes and I'll explain later!" He hisses.

"Fine!" Jonas says before me. What I didn't realize was the villains below us loitering around the building. Crap!

Crossfire brings both of us into his arms and flies off. "Gotta blast!" He hollers out.

I shake my head, "That is a terrible catch phrase."

Jonas adds, "And I'm pretty sure you stole it."

"It's not too late for me to drop you in traffic." Crossfire comments. Jonas and I shut our mouths.

Below us people are starting to look up, bewildered by the sight of Crossfire and his gold suit carrying two figures in his arms.

"Hey, I know you're injured, but do you think you could turn us all invisible for the time being?" Crossfire asks.

Jonas glances at me and replies to Crossfire, "She can only turn herself invisible."

Crossfire clears his throat, "No, um, Red Raven has apparently done some tests on your DNA. You can turn your surroundings invisible too."

That would've been great to know sooner.

"How much energy will it take?" I ponder.

Crossfire sighs, "Not alot. Just try it." If this goes wrong, I'll be hearing "I told you so"s from Jonas for the rest of my life.

By using my invisibility, I have to focus on my breathing and tune out my surroundings. With noise below and my ribs most likely bruised, it's hard to do either of those things. When Crossfire said it only took a little energy, he didn't account for my pain level.

"Del... You did it!" Jonas exclaims with joy. I look over for him, and come to the conclusion that we are all soaring around without being seen.

"We're almost to Lincoln Grove, but I can't take you home immediately."

Jonas gasps from somewhere near me. "I knew there was a loophole!"

Crossfire tightens his grip around my waist, which I can only assume was his instinct because of Jonas' squirming. I hear Crossfire sigh in exasperation.

"No, I have to explain some things to you, remember?" Why he deems himself in a higher manner than Jonas and myself is beyond me. He does know he's a villain, right? Why should we feel obligated to trust him?

There was something about him, though, that seemed trustworthy.

We were set down with a gentle landing on an abandon house's front lawn. Crossfire guided us into the shack of a home and let the creaky door stay ajar. Suddenly, I was aware why.

"It reaks in here." Jonas proclaimed. I observe Crossfire rolling his eyes.

"You don't say." He remarks sarcastically.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I ponder aloud.

Crossfire perked up, "Because I'm in here."

I allowed myself to smirk for some reason. "Seriously, you need more original lines."

A shattering sound jerks our necks towards Jonas. He stands stiff as a board over the broken pieces of a vase. Slowly, he turns towards us with an awkward smile.

"I... Uh... Kinda dropped something." Jonas stutters as Crossfire rushes over to the broken glass.

"Look, don't make me regret being a hero."

A sinking feeling plumits to my stomach. He's a hero. Where has he been? Apparently right here, in this abandoned house.

"Del, are you okay?" Jonas comes up to me, seeming to retract his hand upon realizing physical touch was not something I needed at the moment.

I nodded my head in answer. Crossfire was in the kitchen, as I concluded that was the room next to the front room. It was not safe to confide in Jonas at a time like this. If he wanted to really understand what was wrong, he'd read my mind.

"Alright," Crossfire claps his hands together as he re-enters the room. Jonas shrinks behind me, still embarrassed about breaking the vase.

"Let's see, where do I begin?" Crossfire rubs his hands together.

"How about we start with your real name?" I suggest.

He huffs, "Another time, another time. Ah, I know! It all started a couple years ago when I first got my powers. I could fly and I had super vision. Every villain on the block and then some wanted me to team up with them. So I did,"

He sits down on the dust-covered couch. "It was the lamest attempts at crime. Robbing banks, pick pocketing, loitering outside of the mall after hours. Ugh! It was pathetic! So I started to become wrapped up with this new villain who wanted true vengeance and could mind control people. It was a dream come true. Then I realized who he was in real life and I knew he could never go through with his devious plans."

My blood starts to boil. He chose to be a villain. He wanted to be in line with Red Raven. Where is the part in his story where he's supposedly a hero incognito?

"Wait, you know his real identity?" Jonas interjects. My ears perk up too.

"Well, I have my suspicions. To be frank, I think it's my best friend. That's why I haven't really left his side. Though, I'm not afraid to betray him. He would want me to."

"What do you mean?" Jonas continues to be the interrogator. I'm literally on the edge of my seat.

Crossfire purses his lips, revealing his slip up. He opens his mouth, only to close it seconds later.

"Come on, Crossfire, tell us why we're here." I blurt out.

He clenches his teeth together, "Okay, but I'm not telling you his real name." I nod for him to continue.

"Well. Red Raven... Wants to be defeated."

Jonas and I look to each other for an answer. We turn back to Crossfire.

Crossfire leans back against the couch, "He doesn't want to be the villain anymore. And he wants you to have the honor of defeating him."

My jaw tightens as my teeth grind together. I knew Red Raven was a wimp.

"So my question to you, Della, is when will you become our hero again?"

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